Who do you think will win?

  • HLG

    Votes: 68 90.7%
  • HydroGrow

    Votes: 7 9.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Wow! They must've turned off my notifications to this thread so you could Rip on OHD while he's not here to defend himself. Damn, you guys must suck a mean one!.
Literally not possible
But you can do that by hitting unwatch thread at the top right of every page by accidental mistake
I have a sneaking suspicion you keep saying victimized statements like this on purpose to stir shit
Literally not possible
But you can do that by hitting unwatch thread at the top right of every page by accidental mistake
I have a sneaking suspicion you keep saying victimized statements like this on purpose to stir shit
No Sunny, i swear to GOD.

Not the type to lie. This stuff happens to me all the time but i never bring it up. Would instead give you/RIU the Benefit Of The Doubt. But i am beginning to believe that over the yrs my work has been tinkered with or deleted. Is it even possible for ME to link my past threads to my posts like others do?
Never seam to be able to put together based on the instructions given by others. Could totally be me too cuz i am computer illiterate.
You have never personally given me any problems other then a few warnings early in based on Troll Snitching lies. To be fair, i do believe you went & read some of it afterwards & realized i was not lying to you & the trolls were at it full-force. Do remember non of them getting a warning, no redic posts made by them were deleted, tho my legit posts were.
I know your job is not easy & appreciate everything you do. All i would ask is a lil less biaseness towards some of these trolls . I get it. Must be hard when they're so eager to Dry-Snitch, Snitch, n get on their knees anyway possible.
Thanks for your efforts!
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Have we got a result yet...….?

mmm just reading a couple posts you seem to be paid or sponsored...
You are sadly mistaken my friend.
I lost thousands to do this for an ungrateful crowd. Put in mad time & labor beyond just growing & all i materialistically got was x4, 8 yr old tech lights.
U do the math.
Nevermind all the pain n suffering o_O
Amare Bitches!!!!
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would not have happened with proper meanwell drivers. sad.

so these only work in the usa? best design ever :clap:

ps: why are you only posting this here and not over there? curious minds wanna know!
I doubt to many curious minds wanna know as I have stated a few times throughout these threads that i would like to keep that thread strictly for the Growing aspect & the info. Or updates on BOTH ( @Stephenj37826 ) lights here.
As you can see there are a good 4-6 people whom did not & continue to not follow by my nicely written (each time) request to not post their opinions pertaining to Drama on the Take 2 thread.
I would though, like to take this opportunity to thank you for Chilling out & acting more like a civilized, respectful human being. Good Looks! Sets an example for those Raised By Wolves.
that desperation to have conversations on his other forum

Just get it independently tested already and lay to rest all these claims of efficiency
I will independently provide Par-Mapping on the new XB prototype (that went out for sale in real production twice??, IDK man!
Does this look anything like this ? 20190912_014834.jpg 20190912_014848.jpg
Or does this look anything like this?
20190912_014940.jpg 20190912_014948.jpg
Amare ran a solid yr of testing before releasing the Pre-Production models (LM561, 65k's instead of the 301b, 65k's so fixtures could be produced & used ASAP w/o compromise, there were NO bugs to iron out). I ran the Proto for a whole year prior to release of something Pretty Darn different.
HLG did the same with the Elite. Which is probably what she'll end up with in 6 months from now after ironing out all the quirks & sourcing the top-bin EpiStars or another new diode she's testing next week, thermal mngmt needs assistance, the Drivers are 120 or 220v as of now. No Dimmer but heard they can be hooked up directly to a TRIAC Dimmer. So for like $30 on Amazon one could run several, a whole room or individual boards. @Big Perm noticed that.
These boards get hot & nerd a fan blowing over them.
She did provide a very timely build, fast R + D by finding & correcting any potential flaws in the HLG desighn along with testing a bunch of new components & options.
I am in disagreement & slightly dissapointed with the producing & selling of these XB boards prematurely. Not gonna lie now, yesterday or tomorrow. My thoughts are just that.
The Gen2 will be the BeesKnees I'm sure & these are pretty awesome, deffinetly better then most other rgb options out there.
I may just put these up against the Pro-4's which come in around 1.9 umol/j & are the original Equetorial Spectrum. Wish i had the new Canna-Spec models with Veros (not that new, 1.5 yr at least). But i feel unless she beats out the Trinity with the 84x's then i have to stick to my word of only getting the Bar-8 if wins this comp.
Although i may put an efficiency Handi-Cap, splitting the difference into play, so that may gove the XB's the chance to go against the Editted: Bar-8
She needs her Gen2's to compete with that i think.
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I doubt to many curious minds wanna know as I have stated a few times throughout these threads that i would like to keep that thread strictly for the Growing aspect & the info. Or updates on BOTH ( @Stephenj37826 ) lights here.
As you can see there are a good 4-6 people whom did not & continue to not follow by my nicely written (each time) request to not post their opinions pertaining to Drama on the Take 2 thread.
I would though, like to take this opportunity to thank you for Chilling out & acting more like a civilized, respectful human being. Good Looks! Sets an example for those Raised By Wolves.

uhm you asked sunni to ban me there, do you had a seizure?

Yo, BigPerm got Banned for saying he owned that other forum????
What's next? Any of you that signed up there (as many a troll did i hear) are gonna one day, out of nowhere jist get banned too???
Am i in Danger of Being Banned @sunni for running these tests & posting product updates?
Please do lmk ahead of time if there's an issue. Ive been attempting to be a productive member of this Community for some years now try to abide by all the RIU rules that im aware of .
Its HydroGrows' website that she purchased with her own hard earned $3+/w ,X series lights or whatever.
Idk man, even if he owns shares, what's his retirement plan got to do with RIU?
Like what we do in the Stock Mkt is Your thing now?
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i got banned for naming you a dummy, you insulted a members kid over here and are still allowed to post your ramblings and insults. looks like this forum is way more tolerant than the one owned by thin skinned sCammie
Yo, BigPerm got Banned for saying he owned that other forum????
What's next? Any of you that signed up there (as many a troll did i hear) are gonna one day, out of nowhere jist get banned too???
Am i in Danger of Being Banned @sunni for running these tests & posting product updates?
Please do lmk ahead of time if there's an issue. Ive been attempting to be a productive member of this Superior Community for some years now & would like to abide by all the RIU rules that im aware of .
Its HydroGrows' website that she purchased with her own hard earned $3+/w ,X series lights or whatever.
Idk man, even if he owns shares, what's his retirement plan got to do with RIU?
Like what we do in the Stock Mkt is Your thing now?
He was a paid advertiser that said he owned a competing forum and advertised for it before claiming ownership what do you expect? And really the scammie shill complaining about that?! Your boss bitch loves to censor anything that she doesn't like and requested several bans
i got banned for naming you a dummy, you insulted a members kid over here and are still allowed to post your ramblings and insults. looks like this forum is way more tolerant than the one owned by thin skinned sCammie
I insulted a members kid? I thought you just got done saying you were put on slo-mo on the Take 2 thread?
Which is it & who are you even addressing.?
Stop making shit up just so ill talk to you. Waste!
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