How do you dispose of root material?


Active Member
Dry some out... Burn one indoors and see how yours smell!!! i still don't get why you won't just burry them... Slice them, Dice them, Chop them up... and underground they go! Simple as that!


Active Member
Iv just gone and got a root ball I have, tbh it just smells vaguely plant-like. Every other part of the plant smells of weed in some way, but the roots smell unsuspicious to me. I'v never burnt one though. All I can advise is to burn a small amount as a test before burning the rest.


Active Member
Buy a $99 dollar composter from the local Nursery, Hone Depot or make one yourself. All that root material is very beneficial to making new soil, and you are just throwing it away. Even if you run hydro, etc, you can always use the composted soil for house plants, outdoor garden or even donate to a community garden. Why are we such a 'throw away' world? Becuase nobody understands the value of life anymore. :sad:

I second that. Get a composter.


burn some of the root ball inside with a lighter or mini torch, see if it smells. if no then ur good to throw them in ur fire pit and make smores, or you can get a black plastic garbage barrel and use that to make compost if space is limited.



Well-Known Member
I second that. Get a composter.
I'll be disposing of 15-20 rootballs at a time.. will a composter be able to handle that much every 3 months? I use coco so I won't be reusing in my grow, and I only do a little bit of indoor and outdoor potted plants, I don't know that I would use all the compost.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm thinking of grabbing a $99 composter rotating barrel from Home Depot to solve this problem. I just want to bump this one last time and make sure that my composter isn't going to make some funky smells that may prompt my neighbors to call the cops?

The leaves and most stems except stalk get made into canna-oil for eating. Will putting the remaining rootballs and stalks in a composter barrel emit a concerning smell? Or will I be good? Keep in mind my the homes are really close in my neighborhood... only about 10 feet in between houses.


Well-Known Member
in sink food disposal works good if you got one
I have one... but man that is A LOT of work for a sink disposal. My leaves and small stems that are left after being made into canna-oil go there now, but root balls and stalks? Seems like too much to go down a disposal... am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Buy a $99 dollar composter from the local Nursery, Hone Depot or make one yourself. All that root material is very beneficial to making new soil, and you are just throwing it away. Even if you run hydro, etc, you can always use the composted soil for house plants, outdoor garden or even donate to a community garden. Why are we such a 'throw away' world? Becuase nobody understands the value of life anymore. :sad:
I reuse my soil bro!


Well-Known Member
Rootballs give off no smell when burned...nor will the stems or whatnot..So burn away, or bury, or just make sure all the leaves and stuff are off and then trash them...I put them in my small compost bucket...usually...but sometimes I just throw them away since they take up a lot of room in the bucket...anyway they are no big deal since nobody can look at it and say that is a weed plant...if they grab it and sniff any stem parts really really well they might be able to tell what it once was, but not really since there are quite a few plants that put off a similar smell as a weed branch with no leaves or buds on it...


I have one... but man that is A LOT of work for a sink disposal. My leaves and small stems that are left after being made into canna-oil go there now, but root balls and stalks? Seems like too much to go down a disposal... am I wrong?
Its good for everything but the main woody stalks. roots and all soft plant tissue is no problem for mine.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the disposal it will work. Those things are made to crush chicken and pork bones.