How do You think JESUS would come?


Well-Known Member
i dont think jesus would come back as a little white nut. scientifically he was born in july,and he was dark skined,not white.

This is one of the most common delusions of our time... the ancient egyptians for instance were caucasian... google it...


Well-Known Member
we,believe what ever you want to believe.

but lastnight lying in bed,i found god. more like god found me:mrgreen:

its so simple,why try look for him when he is underneath our feet. god made us in his image. god created all of the creatures in his image,god is not in the sky but more or less right beneath us. it makes sense huh?

when ever we pick up a stone or dirt,we are holding hands with god,this planet is our kingdom,our heaven. it gets no better than this. to die knowing who god is and what he looks like is something that so many are blinded to see.

is it not beautiful?

god is awesome,god hides in the most noticable place. to hide is to make yourself visible from within.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's all about us.

out. :blsmoke:
No, It's About GOD

its so simple is it not?

i was like holyshit,wow really?

its kinda funny that god does exist,but its not in the image we thought it would be.

totally cool huh?
To Know God is to Know Thyself, To Understand the Universe, You only need to Look Within is Too Simple

I think God is what you want him to be.
This is true because nothing exists outside of God, even in its non-existence


Dude, you need to realize you are delusional. "Jesus" was actually known as the "hadraht isa" or "the blessed one. He abolished the state of Israel, which was the staging point of the conquering kingdoms of Rome and Britain. When the tyrants got sent back to their kingsdoms they impostered the judaic faith by founding the christian and catholic churches, and then restricted the freedom of religion of the people to enforce those churches by torturing people to death if they didn't accept the church, that was the first 90 years after the hadraht isa abolished israel, it was known as the "dark ages". Most of the prophecies are spoken to the middle eastern people, and are metaphorical, you might be mataphorically a martyr, and willing to try and speak a morally correct word and get "crucified for your sacrifice" as if you are "the christ", but you are by no means the returned prophet of the middle east known as the blessed one. You just dwell on your religion too much and hallucinate about it because you sit on your ass and smoke weed. Personally I think your soul is manifesting spiritually, but your consciousness is confusing that understanding that homosapiens as a species collective, have alot more tendency to manifest as satan psychologically, and that is detrimental to our development a colony of intelligent life-forms evolving as part of the universe, and over-coming that mentality is somewhat the "meaning of life" at this stage of our evolution collective, and for each and every one of us personally as an individual, (but as I said confused) with the meaning of YOUR own life, because you are trying to think self centered that you have some reason or purpose or importance cause you are bored, stoned and hallucinating, and obsessing about all the doses of church are you entertaining yourself with every day.

Just get on with your life and accept that people are immoral and lying about it, and they know that, and they intend to continue to always be that way, together even, on purpose. You should continue to be morally correct, but focus on your independence and work, and then get on with your life. I know if you read this post, it will be viewed as opposition to you, and your mind will start rejecting it and me, and immediately start trying to convince itself how you are, then you will trail off obsessing about this topic even more, as I have already advised you not to do. Find peace, when the hadraht isa reveals himself and unites the churches and the people by abolishing decietful, immoral kings impostering themselves as democracies or republics, you can say told ya so, and be happy. But I do not look down on you, or oppose you, I want you to be happy, please go find a profession or hobby and lay off the weed for a bit ;). You need to sober up lol.



Well-Known Member
He'll come when people stop wearing Crosses around their necks.

You really think Jesus ever wants to see another Cross?


Well-Known Member
I'm no psychiatrist but from reading a lot of your posts you are a functioning schizophrenic, possibly schizo-affective disorder.

Delusions, often religious delusions pertaining to being a Messiah of some sort are very, very common in these mental illnesses. You're not the only one who thinks you are the return of Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Christians are like any people group out there, you have the ones that like to help others and do good, but then you have the assholes out there that ruin it for the whole group.

Kind of reminds me of the people at RIU ;)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
if you guys where born in afghan you would be doing something totaly different right now , you guys are as brainwashed as the guys who think they are getting virgins in the next life lol