How sketch is guerrilla growing?


Well-Known Member
Basically was thinking about putting like 5 plants in random spots in a creek near my house. I dont think anyone would come by them because i would find some very dense vegetative areas and then saw down an area inside the middle of the area and dig a hole. Is this sketch lol?
thats pretty much what Im doing. Ive got like a 10x10 foot area surrounded by thorn bushes. Its up to can only be charged if ur caught watering or harvesting them....if you're worried about people look for signs that they've been around. if it's one plant it should be pretty easy to do


Well-Known Member
lol sounds like my first grow...heres my advice for guerilla grows...must be somewhere close to you and where it wont look weird to bring water and nutes and stuff, should veg a plant for about 3 weeks indoors before the outdoor season starts, do not plant too close to water like a creek bed because a month later that creek may have risen and boom your plants under water or it rains and your soil erodes away exposing roots...just dont plant too close to water..i would buy some blood bone meal and mix it in with dirt till up the ground well and mix the blood/bone meal in and then take the soil you made and mound it up the main cola removing the bottom node if its small branches then continue to do this as the plant grows always top dressing. thats how i do it outdoors anwyay...guerilla grows are hard, mentally i mean, almost not worth it imo especially when your legal anyway may as well find a legit place indoors or on private land.


Well-Known Member
oh and know your rights before you do anything keep your grow close so that you can see it all the time that way you can also see who else sees it. if it was found and you arent right at it and they take it you can no longer get busted for it if you never admit to anything. if they leave it, they are doing so because they are either watching or put a camera, if you see someone messing around with your plot that is surely a cop or shady i would not return to the crop until i planned on harvesting if anything was left and then again you cannot get busted. only way you get nailed for a guerilla grow is if your caught in the act or admit it..keep it close but not too close, keep a good eye on your surroundings and you really cant get in trouble..oh and never leave any type of garbage or anything that can accept fingerprints nearby, dont use anything like tape or whatever that can hold dna, might be a bit paranoid but better safe than sorry..i had a cop pull toward a tree line i was growing on to turn around right at dusk, it was at the end of a parking lotish driveway and i was standing outside literally staring at my plot in this cops headlights since it was still a little light out and then his headlights just made it clear as day to me and he didnt even look twice :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya man i basically spent that entire summer dealing with my crazy ex because it was near her place and pretty much keeping guard and watching for storms..i mean the worry of getting busted wasnt their because i was young and i knew i couldnt really get caught or punished very bad anyway but all the constant stressing gets to ya


Well-Known Member
yea i just hate dealing with cops so im prolly just gonna do 2 this year and see how it goes ill try to be hella cautious and look for the signs but itll be intense either way lol


Well-Known Member
yea im prolly gunna dig up wholes big enough to hold a 45 gallon smartie and then just put the smartie into the ground to help a. avoid erosion and b. protect the roots from the soil as much as i can. I know that all the land around here used to be orchards nd i dont wana even fuck with the chems they were giving plants 50 years ago ya feel me


Well-Known Member
I think ur pretty high.. but whatever floats ur boat bongsmilie:eyesmoke::roll:. I wouldn't have my grow anywhere near where I live either. try starting off with 5 in the ground, incase a couple die along the way. and if ur worried about chems from ancient orchards, jus spread some lime in the hole and rinse it down... im pretty sure that works anyways, worked for me. but what erosion would u protecting from? the creek? if ur the close IN the water ud be drowning them..


Well-Known Member
those are some big holes to dig lol...i like growing straight in the ground someone cant walk over and lift your pot up and take off with it granted 45 gallons is pretty heavy wet..why not grow close to your house tycoon? i mean depends on where you live and how your property is lined up but i would choose people to grow with and places to grow based on the property back then when i was growing outdoors. i wouldnt even be interested in growing somewhere that was a walk or a drive away. i would feel shady everytime i was near it wondering if someone else was already watching me. a nice secluded private property with un owned or un developed adjascent properties are perfect. you plant on that property not yours. their is no connection to you just as much as if it was a mile away. anyway just my opinion your more comfortable keeping your plants far from you and im more comfortable keeping them close enough to know if i need to pretend like ive never seen them before :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Tycoon u r right i took a few dabs tonight lol. I havent really even scouted a location yet but plan on doing so tomorrow but yea i sorta agree i should be close enough to know if some shit goes down near it . Its a dense creek now that no one ever really clear or go through anymore. so im thinking of just cutting out an area with hella bushes surrounding it on the bank. i mean maybe ill just go with 20 gallon smarties lol im just shootin for like a pound of each


Well-Known Member
also keep in mind when scouting a spot where the sun is throughout the day and where the shade will be...the shade will will move like 4 feet from where it is now by mid season due to growth so be careful not to plant in an awesome spot only to have it turn to shade halfway through the season.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense yea im gonna put it in a spot where in mid season it will get teh most sunlight. luckily the river runse east west so its easy to get a decent sun location as long as ur on the southern bank


Well-Known Member
ya know budologist420 kept tellin me to use this site to my advantage and i must say he was completely correct


Well-Known Member
Tycoon u r right i took a few dabs tonight lol. I havent really even scouted a location yet but plan on doing so tomorrow but yea i sorta agree i should be close enough to know if some shit goes down near it . Its a dense creek now that no one ever really clear or go through anymore. so im thinking of just cutting out an area with hella bushes surrounding it on the bank. i mean maybe ill just go with 20 gallon smarties lol im just shootin for like a pound of each
if shit goes down, u really wanna be within a distance where its a logistic idea that they are yours? if u feel safe with ur plot then go for it! Im jus saying its more like ull want to visit often and trails will occur and ppl will see ur weekly walks and take notice. I like to have an excuse for goin near my grows. fishing, shooting, hiking, not sure about bird watching, every officer knows that excuse and will investigate. iv had a grow in the marsh about a mile away and that was the closest as far as geurilla growing. but I barely tended them and watched for any eyeballs on my back as I walked but u cant really spot game cams when they are well hidden to spot u. again, all jus opinions tho. jus don't wanna see any grower go thru some bs for growing a plant illegally or not. not a pretty thing bro. and its a DAB life!!! :) but I really wouldn't do pots either, like Kermit said someone can almost walk off with ur harvest. go out and find a nice secluded spt surrounded by black berry bushes or some what not an easy walk too and start there, maybe do two spots incase one also gets discovered... and here I am rambling on... Good Luck! _Tycoon