How to help buds turn purple? Any thoughts/ideas/knowledge? PICS of my GDP!


Well-Known Member
this is an interesting topic man...cus I didnt know you can force flower colors by sticking the dry buds in the fridge..has anyone else ever done this?

What if you simply put the plant in the fridge a few days before you cut and dry it??Will it die?

or can you use the fresh buds??they wont rot if you cover them somehow..with saran wrap..or get a mason jar!!

Purple has to be in its genetics but if it is, putting the whole plant in the fridge a day or two before harvest will bring out the color. unless you know your strain i would just leave it be


New Member
wont the buds rot??considering they will get moist?what if I cure them in jars..and ten just leave the jar in the fridge?/sounds good huh?I have airtight jars,and maybe this will bring out the purple??damn theres nothing like smokin' purple weed in a see through joint!!


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like your plant could use another couple weeks before harvest. I heard the purple comes in a week or two before harvest with that strain but I don't personally know from expirience:peace:


Well-Known Member
Check my grow link in my signature. Its all done now but you will see it was a great purp color from early on and my temps were never below 74. Its all in the plant. temp can have some effect but not if it isnt in the plant to start. To the op, If you dont have any color by now it wont come.


Well-Known Member
dont use purple maxx. it doesnt work and i heard it can turn your plants to hermes. purple is mostly genetics, but what i do on my GDP/ purrple urkel hybrid is drop the temp 10 degrees the last 2 weeks of flowering (on the lights off cycle of your 12/12). the fridge method works, but all that is doing is shocking your buds. in summer when its hot, my plants didnt turn as purple as in the fall/winter. but a good AC unit and thermometer can eleminate that problem...



Well-Known Member
My plants seem to have purple stems and a pretty purple main stem, but I thought this was partly due to K?

Is it only genetic?

Are you just referring to purple on the buds or purple parts in general?


Well-Known Member
My plants seem to have purple stems and a pretty purple main stem, but I thought this was partly due to K?

Is it only genetic?

Are you just referring to purple on the buds or purple parts in general?
no, not ONLY genetic. colder temps and lack of nutes can cause the purple color as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I didn't think this was some crazy-good purple bagseed plant...unfortunately.
It is a deficiency...
(of K most likely?)


Well-Known Member
the idea behind puting plant in fridge. what you are trying to achieve is actualy cooling the roots not the plant. below a certain temp the plant shuts down so be careful about puting it in the fridge. dont wory about the purple stems being nute problem. all mine do it every time


New Member
The best idea seems to be cold shocking the plants during their last 2 weeks,if not the last week...this is due to the fact that you should already be flushing it,and it might somehow show early signs of nutrient deficiency,which might help turn the plants purple even more..however if it isnt in the plant to turn color,such as Sweet Purple,BlueBerry,Blue Mystic or any indica dominant strain such as Northern Light and Afghani..then your buds wotn trun purple,and you might as well leave em alone...

I know I will try this method though:

1.Cut down plants,dry and put into airtgiht jars to cure...then Ill just leave the jars in the fridge,or somewhere dark and cold...maybe this will turn em colorful?? And your killin 2 birds with one stone,since you have to cure eventually..

What about stickin' FRESH buds,which might be still alive,in jars to "cure" the fridge??What will this accomplihs??


Active Member
yo thanks for all the response
im cutting em down in 2 days, and gonna put a ac/fan into the room for the next 48 hours and keep the light off and then see what happens
i just took these pics so let me know what you think
no purple color really, its hella hot in the room so thats prob why
any other thoughts?



Well-Known Member
if there isnt any purple by now, its prolly not going to turn purple unless you just use the fridge method. you can try it tho and let me know how it turns out!


New Member
Yeah..dont expect anything now..unless you wanna try out the fridge methods I mentioned earlier?...dry em and cure in the fridge..while at the same time stick some FRESH buds into an airtight jar and put into the frdige for a few days..tell us your results man!

Also,crank that AC as high as possible..get it really nice and cold in there!!

Im not gonna lie,this is a really good topic..I mean who doesnt want their bud to be purple or blue??I dont care how long youve been smokin..its always cool to roll up some dank,purple buds!!!and try out the aleda papers..theyr cool!!


Active Member
temp is 65 and humidity ranges from 50-60
moving to jar curing in fridge now
all else is taken care of
round two soon to begin....


Well-Known Member
So I am lazy, and didn't read much, so this has already probably been said, but here it goes.
Low temps will help with turning plants colors. However, low temps also inhibit growth, nute uptake, etc. Also, helping to have lower N levels so the plant doesn't show much "green". A good flush will usually remove a lot of N, since it is usually fairly soluble, and start to show purple.
If it is not in the genetics to show any colors, then the plant wont do it. If it is in the plants genetics to turn purple, you don't really have to do anything, it will just happen. "Forcing" a plant to turn purple just gives you a more visually appealling bud, but won't actually add anything to the stone. If you are stressing the plant to turn it purple, most likely it will have a lower THC content than one that wasn't stressed and stayed green.


Well-Known Member
Lowering the temps will turn it man. My first grow was This past winter with some pretty good bag seed but it wasn't purple. I didn't have a heater when the temps dropped into the 40s at night. It was for probably the last 3 weeks of flower. It turned a lovely shade of purple. I had 2 other plants in there to but they didn't turn. So it's definitely genetic but cold temps help bring it out.


Well-Known Member
I know I will try this method though:

1.Cut down plants,dry and put into airtgiht jars to cure...then Ill just leave the jars in the fridge,or somewhere dark and cold...maybe this will turn em colorful?? And your killin 2 birds with one stone,since you have to cure eventually..

What about stickin' FRESH buds,which might be still alive,in jars to "cure" the fridge??What will this accomplihs??
This will not cause your plants to turn purple. Also, curing in the fridge is a bad idea. The buds will not "sweat" in the fridge and all the moisture just stays put. After your buds have been cured, then you can store them in the fridge to keep them fresh.
Also, sticking fresh buds in a jar will not cause a color change, unless you count the color of the mold that will grow on your buds. Make sure you buds are almost dry before putting them into jars and starting to cure them.


Well-Known Member
yup........ cold is the best way to produce purple id say...........

you can do it with colouring and nutes and all that but y would you. seriously cold is the best way itl make almost any bud turn purple. :) its fucking awsome the best thing since sliced bread id say