How to Legalize Cannabis!


Well-Known Member
I meant that I have never met a person that follows Christian guidelines through and through, believes without a doubt in Jesus and God, has faith in Jesus and God guiding them, and lives their life according to the Bible as it is literally translated (with respect to the numerous innuendo, inference, and reference in the bible ), and I mean a person that without even talking to them you could see: They walk with Jesus in their heart truly and without any misgivings. I mean more than that as well, but it is hard to put into words... the best that I can do is say, "our actions belie our words, gestures, and stated intentions".... do you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
But we are only human & incapable of living without sin. Come to where I live & you'll meet a fair amount. I'm sure on some days you could call anyone of them a hypocrite but are they trying. We are all doing the best we can. I'm not a Christian but most of my family are & I used to think the same way. Over time I come to realize they are only flesh & bone same as me capable of the same emotions, needs, wants, envy's & desires.

Granny Toker

Active Member
I do know what you are saying. My belief is simply a person who believes Christ as the son of God is a Christian. As Christians we are to model ourselves after Jesus. God knows we are only human and are sinners. The old testament is not what we are to fashion our lives upon. Jesus fulfilled all those requirements. Jesus asked us to love him and our neighbors. Easy enough. Well, almost easy enough; sometimes our neighbors try our patience. Peace.

Granny Toker

Active Member
One more comment. There are many, many references in the bible regarding persons who have doubts. I believe it too is part of being a Christian.


Well-Known Member
"My belief is simply a person who believes Christ as the son of God is a Christian." True, what I meant, is that Christians are supposed to believe that and "model ourselves after Jesus". I have noticed many many times that people will say they believe Christ is the son of God just to be accepted, and CHOOSE CONSCIOUSLY not to model themselves after Jesus....


Well-Known Member
overthrow the goverment from the inside get one of us elected as or start picketing the whitehouse with legalize Marijuana


Well-Known Member
When you see an article in your local paper about the high cost of prison; respond in a talkback, or write a letter to the editor.

Today my local paper wrote an article about a substantial, across the board, statewide pay raise for prison guards, who are woefully underpaid.

In a talkback, I reminded readers that my State's Legislature wrote just under 1,500 new laws last session. New laws equal new criminals created by statute.

I suggested that maybe some old laws should be reconsidered. Outdated laws like cannabis prohibition.

Cannabis accounts for more arrests than all violent crimes combined. Should not priority be given to violent offenses?

It puts the idea out there among regular folks that cannabis prohibition is absurd in light of true threats to public safety.
If you'd like to write a comment about a couple of articles that are actually circulating in the Washington blogosphere, check out
The Hill Blog» Blog Archive » Criminalization of Marijuana Must End and
The Hill Blog» Blog Archive » Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Ignores the Facts
And just a word about how we can all help bring a little extra credibility to the discussion: Polite, friendly comments are more likely to have an impact than comments with profanity or ridicule. I think it was Mahatma Ghandi who said, "First they ignore us. Then they laugh at us. Then they fight us. Then we win." When we swear, they laugh. When we stick to the point, they fight. When we keep it polite, we win.


Well-Known Member
very interesting... the first there Criminalization must end, didn't really teach me anything new.
But the second one, very interesting to read and analyze the White Houses position on why pot is illegal. The numbers presented are obviously inaccurate, as I am sure there are probably about 15 million users in California and Oregon alone. You would think they would also admit that those prison number reflect State prisons only, not all prisons/jails, as well as the fact that most states have made Cannabis possession its least concern, and usually imposes only a fine (just to carry out the "justice" held in the federal law). Not to mention the States that have medical laws, there, a law enforcement officer usually would rather not get involved. It really is the ONDCP that we have to take it to to get things changed federally. That is probably our number one Obstacle, the ONDCP, the FDA is small potatoes (and would show evidence to support if it were hard fact, and the FDA wouldn't be put in a Federal crunch because everywhere else the Fed stays strong in keeping it illegal), and the White House follows the policies of its President (for the most part).


Active Member
theories and ideas about how to get pot legalized! Post em here! I have my own theories, but I wanna see what you guys say first. But my question is this... Would you Actually do anything to get it legalized? I mean get up off your bum and work hard for it? Its your ass in jail either way....

you inspired me to do something..... i started a website real talk Legal Someday