HSS 90w LED Grow


Active Member
Sorry for the extended lack of updates man, still no camera and can't get my phone to send pics to my computer. I'll try again in the morning, so far flowering is going well though. The upper buds all look pretty good, but the lower ones don't seem to be developing as fully. If I were to guess yield now I'd say each plant will be around a half oz. I think in a better shaped space, like 24"x18", it could adequately flower 6 plants of the size I've got right now. If I were to flower with it again I'd FIM them and trim all of the growth below the main stems.


Well-Known Member
Pics or it didnt happen.... JK :P But really steal a camera and get us some pics. Glad to hear everythings going well though.


Active Member
Would anyone be up for scheduling a time to try and help me get pics from my phone onto here? They are not agreeing with each other and I'm really frustrated with it. I really want to get up some pics of the plants, especially to show the difference between the ones centered under the lights compared to the end ones. If you think you can help me to get these to work, send me a PM please.

On a side note, the light I ordered from GLH a while ago arrived damaged and the replacement one hasn't arrived yet but I've been in contact with Mike off and on about it since I received the first one. I have a few new seeds started for my next grow, was expecting to have the light ready for them by this time so currently they are under 4 27w CFLs.

I will be pulling the plug on this grow in a couple days to move the light over to the seedlings. I learned what I needed from this, which is that this light can successfully flower in a cramped area with minimal air circulation. The only air flow has been passive other than a 4" fan from Target that blows on the plants and yet heat has not been an issue at all.

As this is all personal smoke, I don't particularly mind cutting them a little early so as not to negatively impact my new plants. I would still like to see how this light can perform in more ideal conditions, so at some point I will do another grow from seed to the true end of flowering with it and I'll get pics of that up throughout the whole grow. I am planning to cut them on Wednesday evening, giving them dark after lights out tomorrow. That'll make 8 weeks of 12/12, the last two grows with this strain it went about 9.5 weeks each time so I know I am shorting myself some yield by doing this.

My revised estimates on yield assuming I go through with cutting on Wed evening is about a quarter from each of the two end plants (mostly blue light over them) and slightly under a half from each of the two middle plants (centered directly under the light for last few weeks). Overall if I get an ounce off this I'll be satisfied, now that I've grown with it once I believe I could make a significant improvement on that next time.


Active Member
Well I ended up with only 11g that I felt was worth keeping from the middle two. The rest of everything went into the hash pile bc they were either small or underdeveloped. The buds I got from the tops of the plants were pretty nice looking and made up a majority of the kept bud from them. They are much better than buds from the mother that was flowered under the 150w HPS. These buds are frostier and have a much nicer high to them, I'd say the light played a big role in that. Between the lower temps and the better spectrum, this light was a very good investment for me.

I am now using the light over new seedlings at about 10" away and they are vegging very nicely. I may start a new journal for that at some point, but will probably wait until they are almost ready for flower. I just sent back the damaged GLH light I purchased, and when the replacement arrives that will go over a majority of the plants. After that the 90w will be used to veg clones while others are in flower. At some point I want to try flowering with this light again, but that will have to wait for now.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Well I ended up with only 11g that I felt was worth keeping from the middle two. The rest of everything went into the hash pile bc they were either small or underdeveloped. The buds I got from the tops of the plants were pretty nice looking and made up a majority of the kept bud from them. They are much better than buds from the mother that was flowered under the 150w HPS. These buds are frostier and have a much nicer high to them, I'd say the light played a big role in that. Between the lower temps and the better spectrum, this light was a very good investment for me.

I am now using the light over new seedlings at about 10" away and they are vegging very nicely. I may start a new journal for that at some point, but will probably wait until they are almost ready for flower. I just sent back the damaged GLH light I purchased, and when the replacement arrives that will go over a majority of the plants. After that the 90w will be used to veg clones while others are in flower. At some point I want to try flowering with this light again, but that will have to wait for now.
Hey. Good to hear that you got a good harvest. My $220 aero cloner looks like it might be the best investment I have ever made. I might try out some LEDs for the cuttings after the 2nd or 3rd batch of clones and see how well they do.


Active Member
ok ok, i cu. hope you enjoy the smoke...
Bottom line is you're not going to get any excellent (heavy) results unless you INVEST in what you want to get back.. Go for the magnum led light and you will never be dissappointed..

-personal exprience...nuff said


Active Member
ok ok, i cu. hope you enjoy the smoke...
Bottom line is you're not going to get any excellent (heavy) results unless you INVEST in what you want to get back.. Go for the magnum led light and you will never be dissappointed..

-personal exprience...nuff said
Yeah, I've got a GLH light on the way to use from now on. That isn't to say the haight light is bad, just not the best around. The completely passive cooling and wide angle lenses seem to be its biggest advantages. I still want to find a place for it in my garden to see what it is capable of now that I know its limitations. Overall I agree that going with a proven brand that uses several spectrums in 3w diodes and 90 (or varied) degree lenses is the best route at this point.


Well-Known Member
I dont know from your phone, but from you computer you have to use paint (windows basic software) and you want to press PrtScrn button while looking at the picture (PrtScrn is to the right of F12) then you shrink the picture to less than 800 pixels x 800 pixels, save as jpeg, and then you should be able to upload it on here ... that's how I do it ...


Active Member
I dont know from your phone, but from you computer you have to use paint (windows basic software) and you want to press PrtScrn button while looking at the picture (PrtScrn is to the right of F12) then you shrink the picture to less than 800 pixels x 800 pixels, save as jpeg, and then you should be able to upload it on here ... that's how I do it ...
Damn, I feel like a retard now haha. I never would've thought of that, I'll get some up that way this weekend. Thanks man!