HSS 90w LED Grow


Active Member
Right now I'd say about 4" from the closer ones and 6" from the furthest ones. They don't seem to want to grow much vertically though so might end up moving the light up a few inches to try and get a more even coverage and a bit more height on them.


Well-Known Member
Right now I'd say about 4" from the closer ones and 6" from the furthest ones. They don't seem to want to grow much vertically though so might end up moving the light up a few inches to try and get a more even coverage and a bit more height on them.
that is exactly what i was gonna suggest... we are finding out that it is better to raise the panels to let the spectrums mix well before they hit the plants. you just need to watch the penetration, find that sweet spot between good coverage and good penetration.


Active Member
that is exactly what i was gonna suggest... we are finding out that it is better to raise the panels to let the spectrums mix well before they hit the plants. you just need to watch the penetration, find that sweet spot between good coverage and good penetration.
How high would you recommend trying it at? Pics below show how it blends at its current height. My only concern with raising it is the lenses on this are 120 degree so penetration could be sacrificed. The light is pretty bright but for some reason the camera doesn't like it which is why first pic seems dark. The others are all with the flash on. Also the last two pics show the difference in structure between one from the edge and a middle plant.






Well-Known Member
yea, i see what you mean about the colors separating. I have my panels about 38" away from my canopy. I'm not saying you should go that high but that's where i am at. start with a foot and look at the colors, then look at the perlite. make sure the perlite is glowing with color and not white. then you know you have enough penetration.

just try to find the sweet spot with your eye and then see how your plants like it for a few days.


Active Member
yea, i see what you mean about the colors separating. I have my panels about 38" away from my canopy. I'm not saying you should go that high but that's where i am at. start with a foot and look at the colors, then look at the perlite. make sure the perlite is glowing with color and not white. then you know you have enough penetration.

just try to find the sweet spot with your eye and then see how your plants like it for a few days.
Damn, I never would've thought of checking it against the perlite! Great idea man, +rep for sure!


Well-Known Member
Damn, I never would've thought of checking it against the perlite! Great idea man, +rep for sure!
thanks man, i can't take to much credit for it though, i found this out by accident. when i switched from low power led's to high power that is the first thing i noticed was the perlite was glowing. make sure it glows close to the center where most of the leaves are. it is the first thing i look for on LED grows now!! I noticed yours was glowing but still of the individual colors of blue and red... watch for purple, then it's mixed.

those are bad ass 6W diodes right?


Active Member
I actually have no idea what they're rated at. The unit draws 90w supposedly, which would mean they'd have to be closer to 10w in order to be run at 6w if I understand correctly. A friend is lending me a multimeter next week so I'm gonna check the power draw then. Haha my friends must think I'm insane with the random shit I ask borrow sometimes.

Also, just saw in your thread about the 290w still available on ebay, I emailed Mike just a min ago asking if he'd take a money order for it so if he will and it's still available at the end of the weekend I'm getting it. Should make a nicely ridiculous replacement for my 150w hps. The area is only slightly larger than the unit itself, but if I remove the center divider it'd be 46"x19". If this works out I'll rehome the hss panel to the top portion of the cabinet after this grow.


Well-Known Member
I actually have no idea what they're rated at. The unit draws 90w supposedly, which would mean they'd have to be closer to 10w in order to be run at 6w if I understand correctly. A friend is lending me a multimeter next week so I'm gonna check the power draw then. Haha my friends must think I'm insane with the random shit I ask borrow sometimes.

Also, just saw in your thread about the 290w still available on ebay, I emailed Mike just a min ago asking if he'd take a money order for it so if he will and it's still available at the end of the weekend I'm getting it. Should make a nicely ridiculous replacement for my 150w hps. The area is only slightly larger than the unit itself, but if I remove the center divider it'd be 46"x19". If this works out I'll rehome the hss panel to the top portion of the cabinet after this grow.
wow man, a 290 in there would bury your 150HPS!!!! just a tip though, if ya really want it, call him!! 1-877-420-5331 just leave a message if it goes to voicemail. he is a great guy to talk to!!!! I'm sure he would take the money order no problem at all!!!I thought about adding that same 290 to my cabinet but that would just be to much!!! I ended up getting two 100w UFO's from GLH. they were a great addition to my cabinet!!! well, only one is on right now but it is still a lot of light!!

if you get that 290, you will have the best lookin buds you ever saw!!! I am not trying to sell it for ya but these panels are no joke!!! Michael gets a ton of emails and he miss' some. he really is a nice guy, just give him a call.


Active Member
wow man, a 290 in there would bury your 150HPS!!!! just a tip though, if ya really want it, call him!! 1-877-420-5331 just leave a message if it goes to voicemail. he is a great guy to talk to!!!! I'm sure he would take the money order no problem at all!!!I thought about adding that same 290 to my cabinet but that would just be to much!!! I ended up getting two 100w UFO's from GLH. they were a great addition to my cabinet!!! well, only one is on right now but it is still a lot of light!!

if you get that 290, you will have the best lookin buds you ever saw!!! I am not trying to sell it for ya but these panels are no joke!!! Michael gets a ton of emails and he miss' some. he really is a nice guy, just give him a call.
Yeah, I'm planning to call in the morning just didn't wanna leave him a message at this hour. Any idea if they'll be open tomorrow or Monday? Now that I'm getting regular hours again I just can't pass this deal up. Was thinking about getting a second 90w after this grow if it goes well, but this deal beats that out any day. Haha and I'll be able to grow a couple of plants like yours if I get this!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm planning to call in the morning just didn't wanna leave him a message at this hour. Any idea if they'll be open tomorrow or Monday? Now that I'm getting regular hours again I just can't pass this deal up. Was thinking about getting a second 90w after this grow if it goes well, but this deal beats that out any day. Haha and I'll be able to grow a couple of plants like yours if I get this!
you will be able to grow more than a couple... four maybe five. and that number is his cell phone. i some how always catch him driving when he answers. not sure if he will answer on a Sunday but I'm sure he would at least reserve it for ya and not sell it on ya till he calls ya back on Monday. I know he is super busy these days, but he always seem to make time to share knowledge when he is talking to ya.

and the message won't say GLH and he doesn't even answer the phone as GLH. it kind of threw me off at first but he is a really cool guy.


Active Member
you will be able to grow more than a couple... four maybe five. and that number is his cell phone. i some how always catch him driving when he answers. not sure if he will answer on a Sunday but I'm sure he would at least reserve it for ya and not sell it on ya till he calls ya back on Monday. I know he is super busy these days, but he always seem to make time to share knowledge when he is talking to ya.

and the message won't say GLH and he doesn't even answer the phone as GLH. it kind of threw me off at first but he is a really cool guy.
Hmm, wonder if I could fit 4 5gal buckets in there? I'll give him a call in the morning, hopefully all goes well and I will let you know what happens.


Well-Known Member
now your thinkin!! 4 buckets, a QP a bucket.... all for just $300 and it will last ya 15 years!!

yea man, please do keep me posted. I know he is really busy but just keep trying to reach him. I have one of his panles here to send back to him and he hasn't sent me the shipping label yet, and he owns it!! I figured he'd want it back ASAP but i guess he is just busy.


Active Member
now your thinkin!! 4 buckets, a QP a bucket.... all for just $300 and it will last ya 15 years!!

yea man, please do keep me posted. I know he is really busy but just keep trying to reach him. I have one of his panles here to send back to him and he hasn't sent me the shipping label yet, and he owns it!! I figured he'd want it back ASAP but i guess he is just busy.
Shit, you really think I could pull a lb from that space with a 290??? I'd be so damn happy you wouldn't believe it! I'm a light smoker so an oz could last me up to a month, but probably be closer to two weeks once I'm getting good harvests. Pulling a QP once a month would be more than enough for me, getting that every 2-3 weeks would be insane!

That was the panel that was out when you got it right? Hope you get all that sorted man, your plants will thank you once you do. BTW, I managed to do the same thing you did before with my girl under the hps. The pot is too small and she's starting to be very unhappy in there. I should've gone with a bigger pot or just a 5gal bucket, the 10" pot is far too small and is probably going to have a negative impact on her yield. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again.


Well-Known Member
a QP from one plant is not totally out of the question. i have done it (not with my current setup, yet...) depending on the strain, it is totally possible. I'm not proud of this, but what i did was my first couple harvests went to reimbursing my investment. after that I kept it all for myself, and still do!

man, get that girl in a bigger container! trust me, you don't want to go through what i did!! even if her roots aren't growing much yet, it is still important to have soil all around the roots. they absorb what they need from soil, not a plastic container.


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with that man, I'll probably end up giving some to close friends for cheap to offset cost a bit. I've thought about up-potting her but she's already a good bit into flowering so not sure if it'd be worthwhile at this point. I'm not home today but I'll get a couple pics of her up tomorrow in my other thread. If you could give me your opinion on whether it'd still be beneficial to do it at this point I'd really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
It was pretty expensive,
$264 shipped
. I've seen a lot of good grows with lights from other manufacturers, but I wanted to try something different and it fit my space better. Any idea what kind you'd be looking at if you get one?
You could have got a 1000w hps with cooltube for that. Give you 10 x more weight than the butcher's light. :grin:


Well-Known Member
You could have got a 1000w hps with cooltube for that. Give you 10 x more weight than the butcher's light. :grin:
yes he could have, but it's no reason to insult it.... if ya really wanna compare, let compare. a 1000W bulb in a cool tube $300. now buy a heavy duty fan so get rid of all the heat ($200) and don't forget you will need ducting ($50) lets not forget the electric bill that is 3x the panel(about $10/month) then two or three years later you have to replace the bulb($50)

so in a five year span you now spent over $1200

$300 for a top of the line LED panel is not so bad.....


Active Member
You could have got a 1000w hps with cooltube for that. Give you 10 x more weight than the butcher's light. :grin:
Have you seen my grow space? I really don't think a 1000w would work in there. And even if I could get it to fit in that space I'd have no way of dissipating the heat from it. The room it is in has no a/c and stays at around 76-78F without a light running. Add a 1000w to that and how fast do you think the entire room would reach +90F? Idk about you, but that isn't a comfortable living temperature for me.

Besides the fact that I grow for personal use, and wanted to try something different. Sure if I really put my mind to it I could make a large HID setup work, but I've grown with HPS already and it's time for me to try something new. This is a hobby and a learning experience for me, something I enjoy doing.


Active Member
Gave Mike a call today, he didn't answer so I left a message. Hopefully I'll hear back from him in the next day or two.

EDIT: Already heard back from Mike, I bought a 290w from him straight instead of bidding on one and hoping I'd win. Got it for a good really good price, very excited to get it!