I hate it when STUPID shit happens!


I was at my buddies tonight helping him jar up his latest harvest...I was putting all the stuff I had cut up in a 10 x 10 inch box maybe 2 inches high...SO...I have this box slightly rounded on top full of freshly cut schmoke...I twisted to grab another hanging plant and as I came back around I knocked the box of weed right on the carpet. Now this is bad enough (Easily a couple ounces on the floor), but he has 4 cats and 2 dogs....animal hair everywhere! As I grab for the first piece...I almost cried...it was covered in pet hair all stuck to it. My buddy says "DUDE...yur pickin that shit up not me...and I want all the hair off it" I was like FML...so there I layed blowing hair off little nugs of weed one by one, picking off the pieces that wouldnt blow of. I was so not impressed...I mean cmon...thats the shit you see in movies...anyone else have any rediculous stories that seriously you couldnt make up if you tried??


Well-Known Member
i did a big outdoor(for me) years ago, maybe 50-60 plants. got a bad wind few days before harvest and some tree let off some sorta seed kinda like huge dandelion wishes. well, needless to say, my buds were covered with this shit. the first guy that aquired some from me asked what it was, i told him its "wish weed" and thought little of it. bout a week later in a bar i overhear couple guys talkin bout this killer wish weed....laughed my ass off...peace

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yea maybe don't trim in a hairy and unsanitary location. He could always spend like 30 seconds vacuuming the hair up at least.