I have a couple questions


Active Member
I was wondering if they changed the way they count the days (business vs calander) days when these new group of laws passed? I thought that I seen somewhere that they did but could be (and probably am) wrong. And when I renew my card this summer, can I renew as a caregiver without actully have any patients under me when I send my paperwork in?



Well that all depends where you live , Out here in Colorado , come september its not going to matter for nothing , its going to be Recreational 100%


Well-Known Member
I was told it's 20 business days.

Some start right away.
Some started in the 70's, and 80's.
I think it all depends on if you really want it, eh.


Well-Known Member
It is 20 business days and you MUST have a patient assign you as a caregiver. You cannot just apply to be a caregiver.