I just wanna thank everyone for the help i didnt get!!!!

30 plus views and not a single soul can answer this question is there something on my screen name that i cant see that says dont help this guy well anyway im gonna try this one more time since i have always been there to help others. Here is my original post these nutes are new to me so i hoped someone else might know so here it goes.>>>>>>>>>Ok so i have four plants under a 250 hps i got gdp, bigbang, a strain i like to call alex and one called pipi. So i flipped the switch about 7 days ago and went out and purchased botanicare products ripe and bloom. I thought i was sure on how to use them but im not. I searched the forum and could not find the answer i was looking for. I just wanted to know how i should feed with these does the ripe and bloom get mixed together or do i just use the bloom for now and then the ripe. Also i have bloombastic on the way which i know is not used untill the 4 week in but should i use this with the bloom or the ripe or both when the time comes. Thank you very much for any helpful info that might be given means alot to me. I also forgot to add im growing in soil and should i use this everyday or every other thanks again.


Well-Known Member
your pissed because nobody answered your question in 90 minutes ?
You are the one who bought nutes without getting a feeding chart .


Well-Known Member
u use bloom right when u start flowering..how much of it i dont know..and ripe u probably start using week 5 of flower but i dont know how much cuz i dont use botanicare


Active Member
i cant help you..i dont use any fancy fertilizers or chemicals. mine look just as good as most ive seen on here so far tho..maybe not as BIG, but my project is much smaller in comparison.lol


King Tut
Not familiar with your nute line, wish I could offer some advice. I've noticed that replies come a little slower on this forum than on others, but when I do get an answer, I usually don't have to weed out all the other comments and whatnot. I also find that a good number of replies are helpful and well thought out instead of someone spouting out something they found through google. Don't get me wrong, before I first started I googled a TON of stuff and I'm all for self-teaching, but I also like to hear from growers that have hands-on experience with my particular issue even if it does take awhile for that answer to come. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
u use bloom right when u start flowering..how much of it i dont know..and ripe u probably start using week 5 of flower but i dont know how much cuz i dont use botanicare

ya what he said seems to make sense im asuming the Ripe is a like shooting powder??


Well-Known Member
Hey, i just bought X, now someone tell me RIGHT NOW how to use it or I'll get pissed and start another thread demanding answers.

Seriously, how the fuck do you think people accomplished anything before the internet existed? You fucking kids these days have no value for learning things on your own.

correct it is like a shooting powder and this is not my first time at all. I did also pick up a feeding chart but this one is kinda fuzzy to me like someone else said i normally just stick with my roots organic and a light nute but i thought i would try to push it over the top this time with some other stuff thats the only reason i ask. i have never had a problem getting a reply and when u see a shit load of people read your post and just say ahhh f@ck him it makes ya wonder. I go through here and try to answer as many questions as i can cause i would like the same in return thats why were all here rite.


King Tut
Most definitely that's why most of us are here. There's a few trolls, but not nearly as many as I've found on other sites. When I have an urgent question, I usually end up posting on 4 forums to get the quickest response.


Well-Known Member
And in the 73 entire posts you have made so far, what percentage of that huge number would you say is helping others? Your post count is low. You have been registered for 4 months and have a whole 73 posts. That's not even a single post per day. You sure are helping a lot of people... :roll:

All nutrients have instructions on the container. Some have feeding charts and additional information on their website. Instead of demanding answers and pumping your fist like an angry dictator or unattended child, maybe try to do what an adult might do, read the damn instructions or visit the manufacturor's website.

Everyone here would also like to thank you for your 0.62 posts per day, that you spend helping others. We should be so blessed to have more like you...
well smart ass i have been a member for over a year i started a whole new account after my email password and everything else got hacked smart guy and i do help whenever i can something i cant answer. Also as far as directions go if u could read or took the time to u would see in one of my other posts that i explained i had directions and even a feeding chart but this one kinda confused me which is why i was reaching out. I exhausted every other option and thought i would return here do before u go playing mr moderator get that facts. The fact of the matter is i got what i needed and all it took was some crying and fist pumping it got replys yes. Well mission accomplished i think u might agree well have a nice holiday and all.


Well-Known Member
Others can "help" you. But who's to say they are correct? The best option is to read the direction and feeding schedule. If it's a bit confusing, make do the best you can and experiment and come up with what works the best for you. Just because somebody else say's to use it one way doesn't mean it the correct the way. Experiment and take notes, the only way to learn what's best for your situation.


Well-Known Member
well smart ass i have been a member for over a year i started a whole new account after my email password and everything else got hacked smart guy and i do help whenever i can something i cant answer. Also as far as directions go if u could read or took the time to u would see in one of my other posts that i explained i had directions and even a feeding chart but this one kinda confused me which is why i was reaching out. I exhausted every other option and thought i would return here do before u go playing mr moderator get that facts. The fact of the matter is i got what i needed and all it took was some crying and fist pumping it got replys yes. Well mission accomplished i think u might agree well have a nice holiday and all.
regardless of your 'previous' account, for the last 4 months, you haven't been doing much of any helping others, as YOU claim... your post count is proof. Maybe you did in the past... but that was another account. I'm not playing moderator. I am simply stating a fact, that this post is childish and you claim to be a great helper was laughable with your current stats.

I'm glad you got your answer... It's a shame you had to resort to child like tactics to accomplish it. You warranted negative responses. Your post was begging for it.

I'm terribly sorry you find written instruction confusing and difficult. Perhaps the first post didn't get responses because it was confusing or poorly worded?
well thank u to all who took a second to help and not flame me. Thanks. Very possibly serapis and i mean that in an honest way u may just be rite i was just in a bad mood and i dont think in all the time i have been a member i have ever had a problem getting a response. I have honestly done my part where and when i could. I normally grow hydro and this is my first soil grow and i was confused on the way i should use this ripe thats what was throwing me off none other. Well thanks and sorry for my ignorant post i do sincerely apologize.