ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

I followed Matt's instruction for ice wax and I must say it's the best I've ever made. Seriously close to butane extract in potency. I put a nice sized chunk in my monkey vape and it melted just perfect. Definitely dab material. Matt thanks for putting up this thread and making those utube vids. Awesome shit! Hope to see your products up close and personal if I make it up to the bay soon.

PS I'd post pics but the patients and myself were too happy with the results and have no more ;)
Got my bubble magic machine and ready to attempt to make some wax. Ive watched the videos and read the info so im pretty confident. I have the little 5 gallon machine. My only question which i may already know the answer too. How much water to use in the machine. I know that Mr Rize said that you want the bag to be able to roll and find its place so im taking this as each time could be different depending on how much trim and ice you have in your bag. Does this sound right fill the machine with enough water to make the bag roll around and work it to find its place in the machine.
Got my bubble magic machine and ready to attempt to make some wax. Ive watched the videos and read the info so im pretty confident. I have the little 5 gallon machine. My only question which i may already know the answer too. How much water to use in the machine. I know that Mr Rize said that you want the bag to be able to roll and find its place so im taking this as each time could be different depending on how much trim and ice you have in your bag. Does this sound right fill the machine with enough water to make the bag roll around and work it to find its place in the machine.

with this smaller machine you have to expirement a bit to figure out the right amount of water to ice to weed in the bag so the spin is correct. make sure the bag isn't more than half full. usually I have the machine filled up to just below high with a certain amount of ice in it to realy agitate well but not slow down the spin too much if this makes any sense?
Yeah i gotcha not overpack it so that it slows down the spin. Does that sound right? I am making my home made RO ice and gettn the water as cold as possible the outside temps here are around 30 F so the water should be nice and cold by morning. Just a thought anyone think it would work better if i made it outside in the garage on an cold day like 10F out it would work better? just a thought.
Yeah i gotcha not overpack it so that it slows down the spin. Does that sound right? I am making my home made RO ice and gettn the water as cold as possible the outside temps here are around 30 F so the water should be nice and cold by morning. Just a thought anyone think it would work better if i made it outside in the garage on an cold day like 10F out it would work better? just a thought.

yes definitely make it outside on a cold day it'll make your ice last 10x longer. make sure the water you use is already ice cold so you do't melt half your ice just cooling down the water!
Shout out to Matt Rize big thank you for everything bro, seriously!
Heres some 22 micron using a four bag set(220,160,78,22):
i figured that much my jug of water is sitting outside where it should get ice cold tonight probably even freeze a little bit i think im gonna take some tupperware in a few nights when it gets down to zero fill them up with water for some extra ice. for the second run through of trim it will freeze alot faster outside than in my freezer.
im making the chop in about 3 weeks, and was wondering if i should just buy the bags and mix it by hand or go the extra and buy the machine this will be my first time making bubble hash, or anyhash really besides iso. so im trying to get as much reasearch in as possible.
im making the chop in about 3 weeks, and was wondering if i should just buy the bags and mix it by hand or go the extra and buy the machine this will be my first time making bubble hash, or anyhash really besides iso. so im trying to get as much reasearch in as possible.

Well, I started off with some cheaper bubble bags - sprung - and found out that they (although recommended as just as good as bubble bags) were not, and in fact started disintegrating and ruining the hash. Garbage. I also got tired of manually stirring the mix so I bought an 8 bag set of 5 gal bubble bags and their small bubble machine as a combo deal.

The bubble bags are worth the money. Much better made. You don't need the machine but life is muuuuch easier with it...and the hash may just be a little bit better too. That gentle washing seems to be very effective without grinding up the green. Anyway, my back loves me. :) I think it's more important to have a good bag set if money is an issue.
Yeah. I was loojing at the magic set, but also was most likely going to get 1gal bags since im doing strain by strain. I know to get the 220 160 90 and like 45 or 73. Might get the whole 8 set and pick and chose. Just seen subcools video and seemed somewhat easy enough.
Yeah. I was loojing at the magic set, but also was most likely going to get 1gal bags since im doing strain by strain. I know to get the 220 160 90 and like 45 or 73. Might get the whole 8 set and pick and chose. Just seen subcools video and seemed somewhat easy enough.

might as well go 8 bags man.
SWell what are the basic sizes used to make it if I do all 8 ill most lijely combine 2 or 3 in 1 pile. Figure since winter will basically be here ill do this in the garage all going to be done by hand for forst time. Mite make a video of it
matt - do you think a quicker dry/removal of water from the hash patty is better than allowing it to sit overnight? Would you use something like a paper towel underneath the drying screen to absorb water? Do you think the amount of time the patty stays wet has an effect on the outcome? what aspects do you think are effected by the drying time (prior to breaking up into small pieces)? (smell, taste, appearance)

you also mentioned breaking up the hash in different ways, can you expand on that?

You obviously havent read anything in this thread have you cartman. Alright so i made my first run with the Small bubble magic machine last night with some ripped bubba trim that was frozen. I didnt let the trim dry up i let it shrink over like 20 hrs or so then froze it. Anyway the 120 bag on the first run got a bit. Then i was hoping the 90 and the 73 would catch a good bit of the rest both of those were pretty clean. So i was like fuck went and got the 45 and 29 micron bags those two both caught a good amt. I did the freeze and shred just waiting on the dry. I tried a little bit it wasnt too bad. Not full melt tho. I had a Royal purp Kush outdoor that the 120 was the big collection bag and all full melt. with pretty much nothing left in the rest. The two bubba plants wherent as oily as the RPK I still have some more trim from a few qush, Og kush, LA confidential trim im gonna try again. Being the first run with the bubble magic machine im thinking i gotta go like 6-8 min the first run this last time i went 10 and i think it may be a bit much. I will get some pics later today to post.
Got my bags!!!!!! Yahooooooooo. How hard do you mix with a spoon? I thought that Matt said gentle but after seeing those machines and the paint mixers I am not sure.
would it be pratical to use a 1gal in a washmachine? or just stick with handtools/handworked.

also what might be a stupid question, if temp is a main factor in quality why not use dry ice in the water? minus that fact you would get alot of smoke, wouldnt that work. you would not need as much since this is a much colder product? also dont know how well that would work in a wash, guess tht was a dumb question but oh well.