If This Is Such a Rich Country, Why Are We Getting Squeezed?


Well-Known Member
Just by reading your comment Vi, I can tell you didn't read past the first paragraph on my comments.


Well-Known Member
Here let me break it down so your feable mind to comprehend it.

But you happen to blindly follow along because just like Hitler, because We were told we were being attacked, and all pacifists were denounce as unpatriotic and were told we were exposing the country to greater danger.

Yes we were attacked by Islamic extremist but, ever since our government has used it just like Hitler did when the Reichstag was burned. It was a power grab, and we were fooled.

Way too many people have fallen for it.
It seems to me that a lot of people didn't learn a damned thing in history class, including you.

OK can you keep up with what I just posted...... Quick grab your glasses.


Well-Known Member
Here is the real meat of what you didn't read Vi.

What you do not realize is that since Bush hasn't raised taxes in a war our country is teetering on the Verge of bankruptcy, we have several outstanding loans with other countries like China, UAE, Saudi Arabia as well as other EU nations that our credit is gone through the floor. We owe more than all the third world countries put together.


New Member
Wrong-o, Dankster.

Here's what you said:

"Vi, In case you hadn't noticed, we are already there, at least since we are there, we should have the benefit of Universal health care."

In other words ... feed me, take care of me, provide my medicine, my housing, my food, my clothing, my toilet paper ... and please, please, take over the greedy oil companies. Please, please, Hillary my Savior!

The rest of the post is nothing but .... well, nothing. Except the part that refers to tax increases after the next president is installed. Personally, I don't believe that a Republican president will raise taxes ... but I DO believe a Democrat one will. I mean, isn't that what Democrats do?


PS: Personal attacks are very unbecoming to you, Dankster. You are WAY too good of a debator to lower yourself to that level.


Well-Known Member
Also here is what you don't really understand.....

Wait until your hero Bush is out of office, who ever the next president is, be it democrat or republican, he or she will have to raise taxes on a scale that makes the Clinton Tax increase look like a drop in the bucket. Do you remember when Daddy Bush said “No New Taxes” ? He was even forced to concede that he had to raise taxes.
Daddy Bush had the grace to admit when he was wrong, can't say so much for his son.

Read the Content of what I am saying before you lump me in with Med....


New Member
Dank ...

Did someone kick your cat this morning?

The fact that you and I disagree on certain subjects doesn't mean that personal attacks will bolster your arguements one iota. You say not to lump you in with the Medboy, but damn, dude ... if it walks like a duck ...

I will accept your apolgy for attacking me personally in the above posts. A sample of that Abusive Kush you spoke about (you know where) will help me get over it a lot sooner though. Should I PM you with my safe addy? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wrong-o, Dankster.

Here's what you said:

PS: Personal attacks are very unbecoming to you, Dankster. You are WAY too good of a debator to lower yourself to that level.
Vi the way you answered is what I consider a personal attack against me.
Let me get you a red tipped cane Vi, it seems that you are blind to the obvious things that are going on around you. You have moved beyond rose colored glasses to total blindness. The sooner you realize this the better off you will be. Hey I'm willing to make another bet with you. let's make it interesting. Put your money where your mouth is (you know I bet on sure things Vi) I'll bet you money, you name how much. If the Next president is a republican, he will raise taxes. How much are you willing to put up to bet me?
Bare in mind I kicked your ass the last bet.


New Member
So, if I tell you that personal attacks are unbecoming to you ... and that you are way to good of a debator to lower yourself to that level .... that's a personal attack? Man, I meant it as a compliment.

And by the way ... no red-tipped cane needed here. I have 20/20 vision. No joke.

And no more bets, Dank. I'm due to win one. Anyway, if the next president is a Republican and he/she raises taxes, I'm moving to Mexico. Somewhere along the coast of the Sea of Cortez on the mainland side. Probably Guymas, or if the traffic has increase a lot since I was there last, then I'll move to Kino and rent a grass shack. I'll await patiently for you and Med to escape the New American Communist-Fascist gulags and I'll hide your asses out ... for a nice, profitable fee, of course. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
So, if I tell you that personal attacks are unbecoming to you ... and that you are way to good of a debator to lower yourself to that level .... that's a personal attack? Man, I meant it as a compliment.

And by the way ... no red-tipped cane needed here. I have 20/20 vision. No joke.

No Vi when you lump me in with someone who does not put forward a well thought out debate (or incapable of it) I take that as a personal attack.


New Member
I told you ... no bets.

Actually, I think you're right. The next president, Republican or Democrat will stupidly raise taxes and as a result, we will be thrown into a steep recession, if not a full-blown depression.

Those running the country (the bureaucrats), for the most part, are folks who have spent a life time working for the government. They have never had to be accountable for making a profit. They have never had to account to a board of directors. They have never had to face a layoff. They have never experienced the need to downsize. They are almost never accountable for their actions. And, they have no conception that tax increases PUNISH the producers and stifle economic growth. Nuff said.



New Member
No Vi when you lump me in with someone who does not put forward a well thought out debate (or incapable of it) I take that as a personal attack.
So, Dank, is that what you think of my posts. Just because I don't go for the cut and paste as you do, does not make my arguements any less genuine. I could go to left leaning websites with every post but instead, rely on what I call common sense, If it looks like a dog...................BTW I assume you are an intelligent being, I'll match IQs with you if that is what it takes to garner your approval, or not, as your aproval means not that much to me. Be aware though, My IQ is at least 3 figures, LOL.


Well-Known Member
So is mine in the 3 figure range, med... in fact last time I was tested I had a 145 IQ.
I was reading in the Second year of college in the 5th grade with 100% comprehension. I used to read encyclopedias when all my class mates were reading comic books. I had to go to Special Ed because my mind worked too fast for the teachers and the rest of the class. I got bored, So I went to a class called Mentally Gifted minds as another school.
I just think you should research your arguments a little better, less emotion and a bit more substance.
Personally I think you make a lot of valid points, but most of the time your points are lost in emotional rants.

Here is a link to the meaning of IQ scores.

What Different IQ Scores Mean


New Member
So is mine in the 3 figure range, med... in fact last time I was tested I had a 145 IQ.
I was reading in the Second year of college in the 5th grade with 100% comprehension. I used to read encyclopedias when all my class mates were reading comic books. I had to go to Special Ed because my mind worked too fast for the teachers and the rest of the class. I got bored, So I went to a class called Mentally Gifted minds as another school.
I just think you should research your arguments a little better, less emotion and a bit more substance.
Personally I think you make a lot of valid points, but most of the time your points are lost in emotional rants.

Here is a link to the meaning of IQ scores.
What Different IQ Scores Mean
Well, you've got 10 points on me. You are a true genious, Kudos. As for common sense............
1. your posts are way too long, 2-3 pages will not hold the attn span of the average person and as for me, If I couldn't speed read I'd never bother.
2. My intellect being in only the top 5 percentile, links me with people like Bill Gates, (wish I had his penchant for making money)
3. After I figured out people wouldn't bother reading 2-3 pages, I quit posting them.
4.I use my impirical wisdom garnered from my limited education (2 years of college) and my 66 years of observation to make my criticisms.
5. I am an emotiomal being, and find it quite necessary in making my critiques of posts here on this forum, sorry if it doesn't fit your criteria.
6. I usually agree with your posts and don't find it necessary to cut and paste any backup, it is in fact rare that I take exception to your posts, 2 come to mind, your narrow view on global warming and your uneducated view of second hand smoke that every honest physician has determined to be harmful. In fact they now are saying that a child being in a car with a smoker is like the child smoking ten cigarettes, this might be an exageration, but lends one to believe it is harmful
7.I don't think IQ is that important if it is above say 105. I think that is sufficient to lead a fruitful life, in fact I'd say, more good has been done for society by median iQ people than by all the geniouses on the planet. Be glad your not in the 180+ range, as that borders on insanity.
8.I could go on and on, but it is already boring me to tears.
9. I have the most fun here arguing with the right Wingnuts like VI, and become way too emotional. Arguing with the fureur will do that to a person.
10. Carry on, I'm on your page, try and shorten your posts, condense, Mr. genious, I know you can do it.


New Member
Well, my IQ is 56 and I can out debate both of you fuckers.

And I ain't too bad on the banjo either. :mrgreen:
