Is hydro that much Better than soil? Wanting the big yield in small numbers


Well-Known Member
your pretty much proving my point here in the flavor department. his bud tasted good after 1 day of drying and sat in the sun, now imagine if it was dried and cured properly for 2 months the flavor would increase ten fold.

if your bud has to cure 2 months for it to taste good how would that be better? to be fair dry yours for one day in the sun and see how it taste.

his bud is probably smoked and sold out in 1 month and delicious. your comparing apples to oranges there at least make the samples equal
No, my buddies have stashes that sit in jars for months, we are medical growers, not sellers... They can't touch my 2 month + cured bud... nice try though.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Experience is important, but if you have not done your research you can have all the experience in the world at doing it the wrong way and be knocking on a brick wall.. And when you say something like "expect more things to go WRONG than RIGHT. Pump failures, leaks, feeding tubes clog, Plants get sick, and diseases spread like wildfire through the reservoir..and you wont even know it until it's too late!" I just have to smh and say your biggest failure is yourself and your under-preperation and lack of knowing what your doing by not talking to fellow hydro growers. I have had not one of those problems stated unless you consider nute burn sick plants... which is really not a problem when flushing is so effective in hydro. I'm just telling you now, I NEVER grew indoors period before I started 2 years ago with hydro, gave myself 2 months of research and preperation and dropped jaws of my circles organic growers.... sorry you have had so many problems but I'm telling you, in this case, if you don't have the knowledge first before you gain the experience, your setting yourself up for failure.
No offense, but you don't know what research I've your "do more research" taunts are falling on deaf ears. You don't know who I've spoken to, but if you had your facts straight then you would see that I'm on 5 or 6 different weed forums - talking to fellow growers daily.

What research could you possibly do on "pump failures, leaks, feeding tube clogging, etc."? Just because you were lucky enough to avoid those issues, does not mean that you are fully prepared for every situation. The difference between your "nute burn issue", and my "pump/manifold failure" is that YOU ARE responsible for your plants being burned, while I AM NOT responsible for my pump/manifold failure. And yes, nute burn is considered a "plant sickness".

Once again, I agree that one of the keys to learning hydro is to "read, read, read and then read some more"...but there is no amount of reading that can compensate for real life experience. At some point you have to get your feet wet, thats the only way you can really find out what works, and what doesn't work.

In the words of Ms. Frizzle: "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy! " - Magic School Bus



Well-Known Member
lol, ok now your being irrational and trying to measure dicks here. Comparing steroids to hydroponic nutrients is... ridiculous. You are VERY uninformed, nutrients whether "chemical" or "Organic" are not stored in the buds or leaves, they are stored in the roots, it's plant biology, look it up. Fact of the matter is what is even the definition of Organics? I guarentee 99 % of the "Organic" grows out there don't even follow who evers definition you come up with one way or another. Water is not organic...

I burned my plants a week before I chopped them, that didn't not magically make them grow bigger and if it did anything at all it made them not grow as large.

It seems you are just trying to come up with anything you can to bash hydro. I thought we were discussing this but it appears it has become a pissing contest and I don't do that. Good luck to ya...

ok im not trying to talk you down just trying to use an analogy tht i think fits well.

how is water not organic? please explain?
where did you learn the nutrients are stored in the roots? yes it is broken down in the roots, but it is most def stored in the leaves. why else would nute burns show up in the leaves? as well as nute deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Hey if you need any help with your hydro many people can show you what your doin wrong
Hey Thanks, but its not even what I'm doing wrong - it's just the fact that "shit happens".

For example, my plants caught a mild case of Pythium, I can't really pin-point what I did wrong.. besides feed all my plants from a single reservoir. If I had them all in individual reservoirs, then only one would have gotten sick and I could've isolated the incident..but since they all are sharing the reservoir - the pathogen spread through the water.

That's my point - in hydro, you don't know that you have an issue until it's too late.


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ok im not trying to talk you down just trying to use an analogy tht i think fits well.

how is water not organic? please explain?
where did you learn the nutrients are stored in the roots? yes it is broken down in the roots, but it is most def stored in the leaves. why else would nute burns show up in the leaves? as well as nute deficiency?


  1. Of, relating to, or derived from living matter: "organic soils".
  2. Of, relating to, or denoting compounds containing carbon (other than simple binary compounds and salts) and chiefly or ultimately of...
so tell us agian how is water organic

H20 is a combination of two chemical elements to create a chemical substance

Nitrogen is not organic

Phosphorus is not orgnaic

Potassium is not organic

and none of the other macro micro essentials are either

roots store energy for the plant to use to grow, leaves are just back ups in case of drought, and are mainly for photosynthesis not energy storage, they create it not store it

how do you psuedo intellectualism not get this stuff right


Well-Known Member
ok im not trying to talk you down just trying to use an analogy tht i think fits well.

how is water not organic? please explain?
where did you learn the nutrients are stored in the roots? yes it is broken down in the roots, but it is most def stored in the leaves. why else would nute burns show up in the leaves? as well as nute deficiency?
Organic: Of, or derived from living matter...

and no, nutes are not stored in the leaves, they are stored in the roots, made into glucose and transferred up the stem to other parts of the plants...


Well-Known Member


  1. Of, relating to, or derived from living matter: "organic soils".
  2. Of, relating to, or denoting compounds containing carbon (other than simple binary compounds and salts) and chiefly or ultimately of...
so tell us agian how is water organic

H20 is a combination of two chemical elements to create a chemical substance

my mistake it occurs naturally and i use it in its unaltered form.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Who'd of thought, a soil vs hydro debate going bad? lol

I love soil, I can produce enough top product every harvest, it's simple, enough said.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
agreed my coco is inert medium just like hydro, but i can make it as organic as any supper soil and still use my chelated base nutrients . . .hydro is mainly for poeple who dont want to be in their garden constantly and thats it, soil based medium produce much higher quality bud, and it has been that way since the 80's

my gram per watt yield is around 1.1, i use a inert soil medium mix

and my cost are around 1.20 a gram or 36 bucks an oz

only reason id switch to hydro is to be lazy


Well-Known Member
Hey Thanks, but its not even what I'm doing wrong - it's just the fact that "shit happens".

For example, my plants caught a mild case of Pythium, I can't really pin-point what I did wrong.. besides feed all my plants from a single reservoir. If I had them all in individual reservoirs, then only one would have gotten sick and I could've isolated the incident..but since they all are sharing the reservoir - the pathogen spread through the water.

That's my point - in hydro, you don't know that you have an issue until it's too late.

You sound like someone I would usually agree with or like. Just so happens this time we disagree a bit. I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing you specifically. I think the hydro gods just have it out for ya, lol, good luck the rest of the way. Hope it improves for ya.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that as long as you don't mess up with the nutrients hydro out performs soil by quite a bit.
My goal is to grow 4-5 monsters indoors under 2 1000watters bigger the better but plant count kept low.
I've begun my reaserch on strains but would take any and all advice on getting the best strain to get the largest yield
well sorry m8 your thread got turned into a cock fight.

like i said before hydro is known for its increased growth rates. no it wont shorten flower time but will shorten veg time.

as far as strains i heard most big bud strains are heavy yeilders. im growing WWxBB right now but havent seen it finished yet..


Well-Known Member
well sorry m8 your thread got turned into a cock fight.

like i said before hydro is known for its increased growth rates. no it wont shorten flower time but will shorten veg time.

as far as strains i heard most big bud strains are heavy yeilders. im growing WWxBB right now but havent seen it finished yet..
That WWxBB should be really special, can't wait to hear how she finishes.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i guess if they cant open their eyes they will never understand. its like talking to a brick wall that gets butt hurt

the writing is on that wall . .so to speak . . . . .. but what to we know, well some of us, we have only been doing this forever and have done both Soil, SS, hydro, DWC, ebb n flow, coco, peat . . .and the list goes on

i think it makes very little sense to plan to grow cash crops when a crop hasnt even been finished with expertise, or precision . . and i do assume this, but its safe assumption since your here asking questions to Rollitup


Well-Known Member
"I find myself babysitting my plants in hydro. Growing in hydro has been a part-time job for me"

"hydro is mainly for poeple who dont want to be in their garden constantly and that it"

lol, in other words, take a lot of what you've read here with a grain of salt i guess...