Is Pot Addictive?


Well-Known Member
You'll feel like all this time was for nothing. It was hard for me to smoke after I quit for so long. I got high I was mistaking bushes with Christmas light's for cars (I got high and went jogging).. I was tore up.. that lasted 3 days I got used to it again almost immediately. And once again it became like water to me.
That has been my only issue when I quit pot. When I start back the first couple times I smoke it makes me paranoid as hell.


Well-Known Member
Weed doesn't bother me when I don't smoke. I may smoke only once or twice a week. Growing use to be addictive but now a days, money is the motive..

I recently slowed down on drinking and I had no problems going a day or two without beer. But when I don't drink, I get crazy munchies.

Now cigars and cigarettes are a bitch. I can be sicker then a dog and still smoke.

Coke was rather easy for me to quit too.

Coke is only physically addictive for about two hours then the rest is mental. But if I drive by the hood I feel like I am either going to vomit or shit my pants..


Well-Known Member
Of course it is, you're naive if you think otherwise. The important thing is whether you get more out of it than it takes from you, as with any mood-altering substance.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you compare it too. No its not like a heroin wd, throwing up, shakes/shivers, halucenation. It does how ever compare to nicotine withdrawal which is still withdrawal none the less.
Pot doesn't even come close to nicotine. If you willingly quit out of choice there are no withdrawal symptoms if you are made to quit or don't completely want it there will be syptoms. I've stopped a few times in my 20+ years of smoking never any issues unless I was forced to stop.


Well-Known Member
Pot doesn't even come close to nicotine. If you willingly quit out of choice there are no withdrawal symptoms if you are made to quit or don't completely want it there will be syptoms. I've stopped a few times in my 20+ years of smoking never any issues unless I was forced to stop.
Huh? I quit smoking the other day to clear my head a bit and I can assure you that my choice or not, after 10+ dabs per day you absolutely have noticeable withdrawal symptoms. Not sure what you're getting at, your body doesn't know whether you are being forced to quit or chose to do so yourself, that's silly.

No question that it's not as physically addictive as nicotine.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I quit smoking the other day to clear my head a bit and I can assure you that my choice or not, after 10+ dabs per day you absolutely have noticeable withdrawal symptoms. Not sure what you're getting at, your body doesn't know whether you are being forced to quit or chose to do so yourself, that's silly.

No question that it's not as physically addictive as nicotine.
Quitting anything by choice is much easier than being forced. If you are forced you still want it. If it's by choice that you don't have as much of that desire. Choice is a huge factor in quitting anything nothing silly about it. When I was young I would have agreed with you. Breaking any habit will mess with you but if you are mentally prepared it's much easier to deal with.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I quit smoking the other day to clear my head a bit and I can assure you that my choice or not, after 10+ dabs per day you absolutely have noticeable withdrawal symptoms. Not sure what you're getting at, your body doesn't know whether you are being forced to quit or chose to do so yourself, that's silly.

No question that it's not as physically addictive as nicotine.
But dont you still feel high for a few days after quitting dabs? I sure do lol.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to try making some BHO but I don't have a clue what to do for a vacuum.
Back in my day we used to open blast into pyrex dishes with stainless turkey basters while walking uphill in the snow both ways

In all seriousness open blasting is terrifying and unsafe but you can do a small batch and have awesome shatter in 15 minutes so kinda up to you.