Is Pot Addictive?


Well-Known Member
I smoked from when I was way too young until I was about 25. No problem.
Got into some alcohol fuel trouble n landed in jail and rehab.
Absolutely couldn't quit the weed cold turkey. In the face of consequences I kept returning. I understand now I could have stopped but back then I was very driven to it.

Point being my opinion is weed is fine as long as you never run out or are forced to stop.
That is where it becomes a problem.
Luckily it is becoming more acceptable so people who choose to use daily have easy access.

I fucking loved weed but due to me being an idiot they eventually made me stop for a long time and now it sux.
I long for it still and periodically try again but no go.
Fact is I have a jar on my desk right now I grew specifically for me.
Critical mass, bought nice new glass and daily plan to try it but can't get up the balls.

Literally mind boggling.

But that is how powerful it really is.
I romantacise it to this day.
Wait, why can't you smoke/eat weed anymore? Why does it suck for you? I'm only asking b/c for me weed affects me diff. now than when I was younger. Not sure if it's the super increased potency of it or just me being an old bag.

I find I get waaaay more paranoid than I ever used to. It's almost the instant I exhale.

You'll feel like all this time was for nothing. It was hard for me to smoke after I quit for so long. I got high I was mistaking bushes with Christmas light's for cars (I got high and went jogging).. I was tore up.. that lasted 3 days I got used to it again almost immediately. And once again it became like water to me.
This is me now. Only it hasn't gone away after consecutive days of smoking it.


Well-Known Member
Wait, why can't you smoke/eat weed anymore? Why does it suck for you? I'm only asking b/c for me weed affects me diff. now than when I was younger. Not sure if it's the super increased potency of it or just me being an old bag.

I find I get waaaay more paranoid than I ever used to. It's almost the instant I exhale.

This is me now. Only it hasn't gone away after consecutive days of smoking it.
Exactly, paranoia.
Low thc indica may be good for youtoo.
I'm planning to slowly increase dose until I can get good n baked and enjoy it again.
warm n fuzzy.
Not cold and freaked the fuck out.


Well-Known Member
Low thc indica may be good for youtoo.
I'm planning to slowly increase dose until I can get good n baked and enjoy it again.
warm n fuzzy.
Not cold and freaked the fuck out.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm they told me @ dispensary to use High indica to reduce paranoia


Well-Known Member
Low thc indica may be good for youtoo.
I'm planning to slowly increase dose until I can get good n baked and enjoy it again.
warm n fuzzy.
Not cold and freaked the fuck out.
Hmmm they told me @ dispensary to use High indica to reduce paranoia[/QUOTE]
Well maybe they know more than I do but having dealt with it a lot I can say in my experience. Low thc high cbd indica worked great.
The effects were pretty short lived though.
I'll keep experimenting but it's nice to know I have something to fall back on.
If you can get critical mass give it a shot.
I also did not take a huge bong hit. Just a couple small rips off pipe.

While I'm not still high today I feel extra tired.
Hoping that is part of a cumlative effect. Pain, anxiety, well being type shit


Well-Known Member
well my little penny
i was saying in another thread..
as many people who take xanax notice, combining with weed especially high thc can give you little blank spots in your memory and amplify your zannie.

thc hits gabba and for some people work better than an indica for anxiety because of this. but both will work and in different ways. just like taking antidepressants you may have to try a couple different to see what works for you.

for me blueberry strains work well the terps have relaxing properties. blue dream and a berry garlicy goodness chemdog have been my best strains fpr anxiety. both heavy sativa


Well-Known Member
well my little penny
i was saying in another thread..
as many people who take xanax notice, combining with weed especially high thc can give you little blank spots in your memory and amplify your zannie.

thc hits gabba and for some people work better than an indica for anxiety because of this. but both will work and in different ways. just like taking antidepressants you may have to try a couple different to see what works for you.

for me blueberry strains work well the terps have relaxing properties. blue dream and a berry garlicy goodness chemdog have been my best strains fpr anxiety. both heavy sativa
Makes sense, my sour d is not too bad for anxiety considering the sativa
It was counterintuitive but I kind of get it now.


Well-Known Member
Wait, why can't you smoke/eat weed anymore? Why does it suck for you? I'm only asking b/c for me weed affects me diff. now than when I was younger. Not sure if it's the super increased potency of it or just me being an old bag.

I find I get waaaay more paranoid than I ever used to. It's almost the instant I exhale.

This is me now. Only it hasn't gone away after consecutive days of smoking it.
Exactly, paranoia.
Low thc indica may be good for youtoo.
I'm planning to slowly increase dose until I can get good n baked and enjoy it again.
warm n fuzzy.
Not cold and freaked the fuck out.
I find that early cut anything makes me paranoid. I started chopping everything a little later.
I even love a good ripe sativa.


Well-Known Member
Bugs infested plants? you must be blind my friend
I can plainly see a flyer of some sort in one of those photos and your plants are clearly seeing the ill effects of whatever pests you are dealing with. Not being a dick, just pointing out the obvious. They still look nice, good job.
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I can plainly see a flyer of some sort in one of those photos and your plants are clearly seeing the ill effects of whatever pests you are dealing with. Not being a dick, just pointing out the obvious. They still look nice, good job.

they were black little flies, gnats. after a week and half of using Gnats off and watering less i can truly say they were all terminated i know what you mean now, my plants look so much better now than ever. cheers

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Well, I can tell from my experience that after smoking for about half a year every day I was very slow and sluggish. I wasn't sharp anymore and my sister noticed that when I would talk with her. I still feel this annoying feeling as if my head was full of clouds or "polluted air" as I call it.
The problem is that I do not want to jump to conclusions because I have a very bad sleep disorder, and my money is on that. Problems with sleeping fuck up the body immensly.

Cannabis is a drug by definition, so yeah, you can get addicted. Although it highly depends on the person in question for example I'm very sensitive (special snowflake alert) when it comes to cigarettes, coffee and cannabis. All it takes is one hit from the bong and I'm good.

So at the end of the day I have no idea if I lost the ability to be sharp because of that long period of smoking or because of my sleep disorder.


Well-Known Member
most of 2014 for example i got like 3hrs of sleep a day, if i went to sleep that day.. i can tell you it takes a huge toll, physically, mentally and emotionally. before yiu even realize whats happening,, but even on a perfect schedule, weed does "fog" your mind. new users report this effect the next day after heavy sessions as well.. chronic users tend to report after abstinence that the mental clarity is almost like a high and they feel weird sober.

im not telling you to quit smoking or to take your bum back to bed, but it is what is. your health is ultimately up to you.
i assume your on a sleeping med?