Is the 215 law a joke?


Well-Known Member
I feel as if this law is a joke. Why? because i am only 18 (turned 18 on february 5th 13 days ago) and i had gotten quite a few g's and decided to try to get a prescription for medical marijuana, i had thus gone 148 miles to the nearest doctor/script writer and had walked in and literally filled out no information regarding medical information, all i had stated was i was hit by a car when i was 3 and the doctor, might i add that there was only 1 person who was in the whole building besides me and my brother had written me a recommendation because she claimed my right leg was longer than my left. I am now allowed to carry 1000oz (62.5lbs)

Please do not flame me as i believe that marijuana can and is still used by a small percent of real patients it's just that this law is a joke and anyone can get a prescription. I was actually hit by a car when i was 3 and yes my hips do hurt from time to time but nothing that i NEED marijuana for such is this case with many others.


Active Member
Then you lied to the doctor? Does marijuana help with your pain or not? If it does and you don't get a citation for having a joint in your pocket the law works as it should. As for you having 62.5lbs I'm pretty sure that if you are standing in court one day after being picked up with that kind of weight you're fucked.


Active Member
The laws saying that it is a controlled substance are a joke. Get out of the mindset that it is a bad thing that you should not have. You should be able to carry as much as you want.


Well-Known Member
lol, either way when people are claiming that they have medical problems that require MMJ when they don't, by flaming me stating i had lied to a doctor then feel free to look around and notice many others milking the system so they can claim to be legal. Yes i know if i carried 62.5lbs i am screwed, but it is the point of which the doctor had given such a limit.


Active Member
I'm not flaming at all just pointing out the fact that marijuana does help you medically so YOU are the person that prop 215 was written for. The doctor that you went to was some hack that couldn't make it in another type of practice and he will eventually get someone a lot of jail time telling them shit like that. If anything it's the physician that's a fail in your case not 215.


Well-Known Member
I feel as if this law is a joke. Why? because i am only 18 (turned 18 on february 5th 13 days ago) and i had gotten quite a few g's and decided to try to get a prescription for medical marijuana, i had thus gone 148 miles to the nearest doctor/script writer and had walked in and literally filled out no information regarding medical information, all i had stated was i was hit by a car when i was 3 and the doctor, might i add that there was only 1 person who was in the whole building besides me and my brother had written me a recommendation because she claimed my right leg was longer than my left. I am now allowed to carry 1000oz (62.5lbs)

Please do not flame me as i believe that marijuana can and is still used by a small percent of real patients it's just that this law is a joke and anyone can get a prescription. I was actually hit by a car when i was 3 and yes my hips do hurt from time to time but nothing that i NEED marijuana for such is this case with many others.
st put my

I'll put my 2cents in for once..Yes I do believe there are people that abuse the system...But there are really sick people out there that are dieing and using medical marijuana to relieve pain..No matter what its about you will always have the few that work the system but i see the doctors giving out faulty recommendations are at fault I mean come on you got a recommendation for 64lbs if you are really telling the truth about that Wow!!I mean that is way over kill and no patient will ever need that much medication..Once you see in person real prop 215 patiens in pain because of cancer and using medical marijuana to treat it you will realize and look at things differently...


Well-Known Member
215 was intended from the people that wrote 215 to be a pseudo legalization. Whether the voters realized that, maybe a diff. question...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
st put my

I'll put my 2cents in for once..Yes I do believe there are people that abuse the system..
IMO the only people who are abusing the system are the cops. Wanting to grow/smoke bud without being harassed by the government abuses no one.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
215 was intended from the people that wrote 215 to be a pseudo legalization. Whether the voters realized that, maybe a diff. question...
^ this ^ exactly. Prop 215 is operating exactly how it was intended when written. As far as the voters go, yes, that's a different question.
Sorry OP, but I don't agree. California's Proposition 215 is far from a joke. In fact, Cannabis Prohibition is the REAL joke here. Prop 215 gives patients an alternative, natural medication without being slaves to Big Pharma.

Cannabis has been proven scientifically to not only prevent tumor growth, but to even cause the tumors to grow smaller over time. It has been shown to relieve pain and nausea, insomnia, and helps with making living with a lot of diseases more bearable.

I do have to say I am offended when Prop 215 is called a joke. I'd much rather smoke a bowl than have to take Vicodin or Percocet.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Sorry OP, but I don't agree. California's Proposition 215 is far from a joke. In fact, Cannabis Prohibition is the REAL joke here. Prop 215 gives patients an alternative, natural medication without being slaves to Big Pharma.

Cannabis has been proven scientifically to not only prevent tumor growth, but to even cause the tumors to grow smaller over time. It has been shown to relieve pain and nausea, insomnia, and helps with making living with a lot of diseases more bearable.

I do have to say I am offended when Prop 215 is called a joke. I'd much rather smoke a bowl than have to take Vicodin or Percocet.
I only smoke right before I go to bed. So basically, insomnia. It's not a crippling illness, it just causes me to not get as much sleep as I'd like. But the bottom line is that it helps me sleep. Why do I have to have cancer to smoke bud? If bud gets rid of a headache, helps you sleep, relieves stress, etc then why should people be denied access to it?

And even if you have none of those things and are just faking an illness, why should you go to jail for growing?

IMO the primary purpose of prop 215 is to stop people from going to jail for things they don't belong in jail for. In that respect, prop215 is no joke.


Well-Known Member
I only smoke right before I go to bed. So basically, insomnia. It's not a crippling illness, it just causes me to not get as much sleep as I'd like. But the bottom line is that it helps me sleep. Why do I have to have cancer to smoke bud? If bud gets rid of a headache, helps you sleep, relieves stress, etc then why should people be denied access to it?

And even if you have none of those things and are just faking an illness, why should you go to jail for growing?

IMO the primary purpose of prop 215 is to stop people from going to jail for things they don't belong in jail for. In that respect, prop215 is no joke.

Yup true I totally agree on marijuana being legal and looked as a medicine in our society..Not only that but growing marijuana is a great hobby I don't really smoke to much just once in a great while when i can't sleep or pain..But I love growing and giving away my medicine to patients in need of it and can't afford it...But there are the few out there that are trying to grow way to much to make money..Now I'm not trying to bash anyone trying to make money its the ones growing way too much and trying to be greedy and not take the right precautions when growing there medicine..What I mean is there are a few out there not staying in their state guide lines of plant count etc...When they get busted it only makes us personal growers following the state laws look bad..

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
But there are the few out there that are trying to grow way to much to make money..Now I'm not trying to bash anyone trying to make money its the ones growing way too much and trying to be greedy and not take the right precautions when growing there medicine..What I mean is there are a few out there not staying in their state guide lines of plant count etc...When they get busted it only makes us personal growers following the state laws look bad..
I don't see it that way. I don't think someone growing 10000 plants deserves to be arrested anymore than someone growing 1 plant.

It shouldn't be illegal in the first place.