Jim Jones: More Than A Con Artist?


Well-Known Member
Traditional occult ceremonial magick from 'high arts' to 'earthly traditions' all have one thing in common: Sympathetic magick.

'Occult' or 'hidden' knowledge is a series of metaphorically encrypted and compressed information. Sympathetic magick is a dramatic play that pre-enacts a desired vision of future reality.

If you think I'm just some basement dwelling con artist, then ask yourself three things:

1) Am I asking you to believe in anything 'supernatural'
2) Am I selling you anything
3) Is that Patented Suicide gene in your Coke/Koolaid yet?

Stop drinking soda as if your life depends on it. There are no nutrients in Soda. Sugar is not nutrition. For many people it does. For others, they've been drinking soda so long they'll have a diabetic fit. Yes ladies an gentlemen, the only deadly addiction withdrawals scientifically proven to be caused by abuse of a substance exist to Alcohol and Sugar.

And if you think that 'diet' is an alternative then you've already drank the kool-aid. Thanks for playing anyway!


Well-Known Member
Unmedicated Hypoglycemic individuals can have stroke or shock from failing to consume more soda as their bodies have adapted to massive sugar intakes by producing excessive levels of insulin.

Sometimes your blood sugar may be too low, even if you do not have symptoms. If your blood sugar gets too low, you may:

  • Faint
  • Have a seizure
  • Go into a coma


Can it kill you? Yes. Will it? No. Signs a response times are forgiving and clear enough its highly unlikely. That's like saying alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Technically it can but the signs and symptoms will manifest so clearly before the point of death that unusual circumstances preventing aid and treatment would need to be present.

Diabetes comes in two forms. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. There are several miscellanious causes but the most common one is excessive sugar consumption. Either you will burn out your body's ability to produce insulin (Hyperglycemia) and have to start taking insulin shots for the rest of your life or (less likely) your body will adapt and produce fucktons of insulin (hypoglycemia) and you will have to maintain this massive consumption.

The first (hyper-) is maladaption. or a failure to adapt to enivronment. The latter is a successful adaption to environment, AKA addiction.


Well-Known Member
Unmedicated Hypoglycemic individuals can have stroke or shock from failing to consume more soda as their bodies have adapted to massive sugar intakes by producing excessive levels of insulin.


Can it kill you? Yes. Will it? No. Signs a response times are forgiving and clear enough its highly unlikely. That's like saying alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Technically it can but the signs and symptoms will manifest so clearly before the point of death that unusual circumstances preventing aid and treatment would need to be present.

Diabetes comes in two forms. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. There are several miscellanious causes but the most common one is excessive sugar consumption. Either you will burn out your body's ability to produce insulin (Hyperglycemia) and have to start taking insulin shots for the rest of your life or (less likely) your body will adapt and produce fucktons of insulin (hypoglycemia) and you will have to maintain this massive consumption.

The first (hyper-) is maladaption. or a failure to adapt to enivronment. The latter is a successful adaption to environment, AKA addiction.
I understand how hypoglycemia can be dangerous but withdrawing from sugar is not going to cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar unless you fail to take in any carbs. You made a claim that withdrawal from refined sugar is proven dangerous yet your link does not list that as one of the reasons for a life-threatening hypoglycemic episode.

Also you are wrong about diabetes. Diabetes mellitus (as opposed to diabetes insipidus which has nothing to do with glucose metabolism) comes in two forms, insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent. Both cause hyperglycemia and neither one causes hypoglycemia unless an insulin overdose is given.

A person that acclimates to high levels of sugar intake may be legitimately called carbohydrate addiction but it is not diabetes.

So now we have the terms correct, let's see some evidence that reducing sugar intake will lead to life-threatening hypoglycemia as you claim.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. I'm definately exaggerating the point. Incidents of maladaption are far more common. You're missing the point though:



Well-Known Member
Really? The Monstanos->Coke->Sugar-Water->Koolaid->Diabetic Nation connections don't bother you?

The patenting of life. As if life can be own as intellectual property. Your child's favorably designed genes as a corporate property.

This doesn't disturb you?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Really? The Monstanos->Coke->Sugar-Water->Koolaid->Diabetic Nation connections don't bother you?

The patenting of life. As if life can be own as intellectual property. Your child's favorably designed genes as a corporate property.

This doesn't disturb you?
I think there are enough disturbed people in this thread.....


Well-Known Member
Isn't it true that soda, while not being the best choice, is fine in moderation? If so, are you simply saying we should watch how much we drink and be mindful that it amounts to over consumption of sugar? So how do we get from that to corporations owning our genetics?


Well-Known Member
Isn't it true that soda, while not being the best choice, is fine in moderation?
Even I as a borderline (fighting towards 'sanity') psychotic drink a root beer float once in a while. New news has prompted me to investigate recipies for unrefined versions of productions which could meet my once-a-year demands for elegance as spoil by being American.

If so, are you simply saying we should watch how much we drink and be mindful that it amounts to over consumption of sugar? So how do we get from that to corporations owning our genetics?

You might have more findings regarding the 'terminator gene' (on google) as if that's a dialectically more appeasable term (only to skynet! LOL).


Well-Known Member
Even I as a borderline (fighting towards 'sanity') psychotic
You might have more findings regarding the 'terminator gene' (on google) as if that's a dialectically more appeasable term (only to skynet! LOL).
terminator seeds?? thats so last century. havent you got an evil plot that is a bit more current?

i think best thing alot of people can do towards their sanity is to stop using "youtube university" and seriously upgrade their googling skills


Well-Known Member
Ok sure "Last Century", means it such a non-issue? Anyway, I was tripping fuckin balls when I heard about this shit and I've always had a thing for studying cult leaders so the connection to JJ and it's just kind of wigging me out.


Well-Known Member
Ok sure "Last Century", means it such a non-issue? Anyway, I was tripping fuckin balls when I heard about this shit and I've always had a thing for studying cult leaders so the connection to JJ and it's just kind of wigging me out.

seeing as its over a decade since the last century, the seeds havent been commercialized and theres a UN moratorium on even field testing them then yeah i would pretty much call that a non issue...