

I know the knats aren't really going to do any real harm to my plants but damn they are really getting annoying.i've tried insecticidal soap but it doesn't seem to help at all. Anyone have any fool proof ways of disposing of these little beasts. im tired of seeing them every day. I think they double the amount each time. its really getting old. c'mon ol' timers give me a hand here. i've heard of jalopeno water helping but idk bout that.


Active Member
ya man...i have had the same problem for a while. there fungus gnats and its caused by over watering...they eat roots and are annoying as hell. there also attracted to carbon dioxide(they fly around ur face). whats really worked for me is cutting back on watering.just let the top of the soil get dry.and what else worked was sprinkling a tiny bit of cinnamon on the top layer of ur soil. its a natural fungicide and should hold them back a little.


thanks man. i did overwater one plant and i've been trying to get it to dry. taking a while. last time i had this problem they just flew into my light and cooked themselves. slowly but surely they dissipated. this time i've had no such luck. ill try the cinnamon.


Active Member
ya one of mine would take like 3 or 4 days.
if the cinnamon doesnt work on top of the soil...try mixing some in water and spraying it or washing in down with water to kill the little larvae bastards lol


Well-Known Member
you can also get bug on a stick, fly paper sold with popsicle sticks - a chem free way to deter them

The other folks are also correct, cut back on the watering and turn over the top layers of soil daily


Well-Known Member
I'm eating steak right now. I kneed a gnife.
A nice subtle way to say check spelling. I have too battled the nasty fungus gnats and I found that fly paper works best I love seeing them fly into live. Also I read that if u put a slice of a potato on top of your soil the larva will congregate around it and feed from it the next day u can lift it up and throw the slice and the larva away.


Active Member
I had gnats all over the i soaked tobacco leaves (2 cigs) in water for a day then added a squirt of dish det. into a sprayer and soaked the top of the soil, then covered the soil with white sand (play sand from hardware store) and NO MORE BUGS!!! Supposedly the tobacco palralyzes them and the dish liquid makes them shit themselves to death ( my mom's remedy ) the sand chokes out the larvae.


Active Member
I have the lil fuckers too, I dont over water either, seems like they were in the soil I bought, supposed to be clean, ya right lol. this is a good read, I am going to try some of the remedies and post back later how it went.
I have had a big problem with Gnats too. My first go round I had so many I ended up using 10 bottles of the insecticide soap. I'd spray a considerable amount and the next day they seemed to have multiplied. I figured, 10 bottles later, I'm not smokin this... so I started over.

I thought it might be in the soil I bought too, so, new soil, cleaned the containers, fumigated the room and still, they're back.

I was told that putting wine out in little containers around the area will help and it does.
They are drawn to the fermenting smell like they do for fruit. I also stir up the top of the soil, they want moisture. So you let it dry out some. The stirring helps to disturb them and hopefully instigate them to want to try out the Vino. Now I only spot a few that I can smush with my fingers. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I got knats too.They'r spreading around my growroom like herpies in a whore house!.I'm gonna try the wine thing, along with a potato-on-a-stick, but I grow Hydro so does anyone know any other tricks that don't involve soil? Lots of help here so far, thanks.Have a stoney day!


Well-Known Member
I hate that paper shit, but it's better than 10 million knats. I never had this problem when I used ladybugs, but then you got those little fuckers flying everywhere. When I start my next grow I go back to LadyBugs and seal my room off. Yep...thats how I started and never saw 1 knat untill the last batch of Ladies died off,then they started showing up.LadyBugs are 1500 for $10 (usa) and I usually have to purchase 2 per grow. Well worth it if you can keep the Ladies alive and contained to 1 room. ( not so easy outdoors ).


Well-Known Member
You can try a SPINOSAD mixed as a spray and HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS.

I am in the UK and order these both from the USA it costs me just as much for shipping as it does for the items but i wont grow without them.

Damn, I got knats too.They'r spreading around my growroom like herpies in a whore house!.I'm gonna try the wine thing, along with a potato-on-a-stick, but I grow Hydro so does anyone know any other tricks that don't involve soil? Lots of help here so far, thanks.Have a stoney day!
I have gnats and mites. I dont usually grow in dirt but I have been trying out the whole organic thing. Never had a single bug untill I started using soil. Now my moms are fuckin infested. Can I get rid of these bastards or is it best to clear out totally and start new. I would rather not get rid of my moms.

Where do you get your ladybugs from? Is there a good site to order from? I just bought this stuff called "bang" at the hydro shop. dude says you can put it in your rez. You can also foliar feed with it. I will post back on how it works.


Active Member
Hey i never have a problem with nats, maybe a couple here and there sometimes. Hot shots pest strips are the BEST Period. the downfall is if you shouldnt be exposed to the pest strips if you occupy the area for longer than a month or two at a time....these things are for summer homes, garages sheds areas that people dont live in full time.....,they are completely harmless to your plants, im fortunate enough to have a place dedicated to my gardening so i have the option to use HOT SHOT PEST STRIPS, I spend about 1-2 hours a day in my garden and im alive! ;-)...u can find em at lowes homedepot for like 13 bucks.....1 strip per 300 sq ft i believe.


Active Member
what I used was the fly ribbons, and paint sticks with thumbtacks, ok first pull out about 4 inches of fly ribbon, cut it, stick it to the paint stick, use thumbtacks to attach it good, cut the stick right under the lenght of fly ribbon, you should get 3 out of a stick. put 2 of these in each pot, just lay them down ontop of soil, you will catch tons of them basters, just keep repeating till you get them undercontrol.


Active Member
by doing the fly ribbon on pieces of the paint sticks, 2 peices in each pot, has greatly reduced the amount of nats I had, probly killed over half the first 3 days, I just replaced the first ones and made these a lil bigger, but not worried about nats anymore. hope this helps, it is a sticky job though lol, make sure ya have something that will take it off your hands, soap by itself doesnt work.