sence i took that pic here it is 2day. look where the roots are coming out. some are coming out the top of the wool. like i said bro im not argueeing im just showing from my exp., that's all.I have to ask (mygirls) Do you think this claim is wrong? (Roots dont like light at all. Micro-organisms that live in the root-zone also dont like light. Organic substrates have a natural dark colour, so the root-zone is also dark. Inert substrates are often packed in plastic material, which does not let through the light.) It's backed up by many Guru's/books/dvds,etc.
Ok found it.
When roots grow to the end of the container and are exposed to air, they stop growing. The air naturally prunes roots. They cannot grow out the end of the pot, because the climate with little moisture and lots of air is too inhospitable.
Why would it ? The topic between Mygirls and myself was air. You see Mygirls Harvests are Butt Loads, and he does things that the "book" would disagree on.funny, it doesn't mention light exposure? go figure...![]()
Peace Brother. Good Luck in court.haha its all good man.. im only 19 going through custody for my fucking kid, and i cant even concentrate on this shit anymore. i need this crop over with so i can finally go to court..
\anyways lol.. i chop them down before lights come on in a sence. i give them 24hr dark before i chop.. all the water movemant is due to the moon, and gravity..... like the best time to crop i think. is on a full moon. becuse with maple trees when i would make maple syrup. you wait for the day after a full moon to tap the tree. becuase all the sap is pulled to the top by the moons gravitational pull... so the next day it all falls, and goes out the spicket you put in. i beleive it would be the same with any plant.... idk either. just woke up. getin biched out by the ex for wanting to see my babay.. Pe@ce man..
When harvest comes around what do you do Jtoth3ustin, do you cut her down while lights are on, or cut her down when lights have been off for 11.5 hrs (just before lights on).
I cut her down before lights on. Because like you said the roots are storeing everything at night. Everything from the top flows down into the root system at night.
Roots are awake and working during the day for the leafs. The leafs need nutes/co2 to grow healthy. The roots supply the water and such into the stream (veins) of the plants that carrys everything along. When a plant dryes it no longer has the ability to transfer anything around (nutes/water/etc.).
I don't know where I going with this, I need coffeee.
I always harvest just before lights on. That way all the water,etc. is in the roots and not fouling up the bud with moisture and bad taste.In your opinions would you say it best to harvest before lights on? or just before lights out? Would you harvest before lights on to leave any excess nutes in the roots instead of the buds? You'll have to excuse me, i am just a lil confused and new....and![]()
I always harvest just before lights on. That way all the water,etc. is in the roots and not fouling up the bud with moisture and bad taste.