Light Coverage Area


Active Member
hey guys, i have a few questions reguarding lights and their effective light coverage in relationship to the plants. How much plant area could each of these lights provide adequate lumens and penetration for?

30 watt CFL's
42 watt CFL's
150 watt HPS
400 watt MH

if anyone has any info about this it'd be great for me to construct my new grow cab. Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
it all depends on what you are after. If you could give more info about what you are shooting for it would be more helpful.

But basically I would say as for the 30 & 42 watt cfl's you would need multiple bulbs of either to grow a plant.

As for the 150 watt HPS this could be good for 1 plant, or sufficient for 2 plants if you supplement with CFL's.

As for the 400, I would say good for 2 plants & as many as 4 plants if you use CFL's to supplement.

Al these are just estimations but could be adjusted either way depending on how large you want to grow them & how much you want to harvest from each plant.

Just as a point of referecne, you could use a 1000W HPS to grow 9 large plants or you could grow 25 tiny plants.


Well-Known Member
yup yup using two 23 watt cfl and there showing the third leave set... so its possible in the right conditions... at 10 inchs im adding five more 26 watt on a surge protector mounted vertically on the wall .....ill have to turn the plant so all sides get hit but i like my bitches so we hang out.. and the wife is cool with the hobby so i dont need to stealth except when people show up...

150 hps and 400 hps is great in a sense but im in the experiement stage and figure fuck it my friends all smoke each other up anyway so no biggie!!!

Hps for veg main growth and use cfls vertically for pen of the lower half... gl... cheers