Looking for experienced grower help


Basically I'd like to double check that all the things im about to purchase are viable to grow ONE plant in my closet.

2x 130W (6400k|2700k) CFL with reflector kit - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Reflector-CFL-Fluorescent-Energy-Saving-Plant-Lights-2700K-6400K-Grow-Lamp-Kit-/180884675252?pt=AU_Seed_Starting_Hydroponics&hash=item2a1d911ab4 the one im looking at - Should I use the reflector or nay??

What is the best medium to use for growing that is going to make me the least suspect (I've been raided before just for seeds)

What cycle do you recommend using? Im germing my seed in a wet paper towel inside a zip lock bag and im keeping it under my kitchen sink in the dark (Heard this creates a hot house effect or something?)

What are some essential nutes? I'm under the assumption anything that has a higher N in value is the better product, this is something I was looking at but once again - experience is needed in this regard - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-OZI-MAGIC-GROW-JUICE-MAGIC-BUD-GROW-1L-/190728854128?pt=AU_Seed_Starting_Hydroponics&hash=item2c68535a70

Whats the best way for me to go from seed to harvest as quickly as possible without sacrificing potency or too much yield (I have a house inspection every 3 months)

Thanks for any and all help guys


Active Member
What is the best medium to use for growing that is going to make me the least suspect (I've been raided before just for seeds))
I'm confused, you were raided for seeds? You mean the cops kicked your door in and all they found were seeds? As for least suspect medium I usually try to go with something camouflage that way if someone does stumble into my underground laboratory they're none the wiser.

Whats the best way for me to go from seed to harvest as quickly as possible without sacrificing potency or too much yield (I have a house inspection every 3 months)
It sounds to me like the whole idea of growing in your current living situation is a bad Idea. first off, the only possible way to harvest from seed in 3 months is with auto's and I'm not sure even then they will be ready in time.. IMO you shouldn't attempt this until you live somewhere more 'secure'. You are either going to end up busted or disappointed. :wall:



Active Member
he prolly sent seeds to where he was raided lol...

so you grow 1 plant and it becomes male...then what lol.

CFL = waste...why skimp on light.


Why cqnt anyone answer the question he asked seriously yes that lighting is fine soil is good begginner friendly and pretty much cqn be bought anywhere as for nutrients something high in N for vegging something high in P for flowering some say more K but a really high P gives me the results but. You growing does sound dangerous think about it is 1 plant worth going to jail for?