LST Question


I've started LST

and I have a another pretty important question.

Do I have to tie my mainstem completely down towards the root to distribute auxins threw out the plant? Or can I just keep it the way it is?

So my method is to LST then Supercrop then FIM

My reasoning for doing it this way is highest stress last, obviously the longer the plant grows the stronger it is so it can cope with being FIMed or Topped better later on in the grow.

Let me know what you think of doing all three to the plants in stages, and if I should even do it in stages or all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
dint fim just top fim is fuck i missed and is a stupid myth that people thinkds works. check out my lst thread in my link belopw


Well-Known Member
dont do anything to it the branches will all start to gro upward id trim big fan leaveas off now some would disagree start controlling that nasty biach wit some bondage and dissaplin no just kidding but start pulling and tyeing branches wher you want them to go fill in empty spaces so top is full and flat big wide area of flat groth keep her straped down untill 12/12 stretch then release her bindings let her go

you feel me
peace out
1 Luv


Well-Known Member

yuh be gwuod at what chou duh daeh broda

serrious thats some fine work you are a master at the latest and the greatest i did my first is in week 8 of veg in soil under a 250whps a250wmh and a uvb not being used yet for flower in soil in a kitty litter container drilled around the top its a elite genetics white OGKush that baby looks justlike Mcpurps shit got a few other plants going one of my seeds another white and a Fire og kush all elite genetics gear iwant to se the diff one lst no fim another alittle lst and fIM two more just fIM

oh wel good luck
1 Luv

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Wat do I think? Well I believe u shood definitely not fim or top but that's just how I roll. I don't cut shit til its time to hang it to dry. Imo any result u can get from fimming/topping can be achieved from lst so I see no need for ever cutting it slows down growth for a good week and is just dumb imo. Ur on the right track just keep that bitch at least ninety degreez at all times and the branches have no choice but to cum up. Just lead her around the pot and u will be all good when u flip the switch. I make sum pretty good bushes myself u shood chek out my sig. I fukin luv lst man. If u do chek it out its only six plants in their but u see I damn near filled up my 4x4 to the max and those were flowered at 12" so watch out when I get the 18 I want next time. Jungle time. Lookin good by the way. Sorry for the shameless self promotion I can't help myself sumtimes. I'm like a proud father always rantin on about my kids.

Keep em green and obscene,


Well-Known Member
i agree on not fimming, but topping is good and somtimes necessary. topping creates a shorter plant. i have topped plants and they had new growth the next few days with lil stress. and ya they tend to be very wide when u lst soem cant have wide plants so haveing a plant with 2 tops thats still skinny is good. i will check out your thread, and u should check out my thread on lst and mabye post some of your stuff theri if u havent yet


Well-Known Member
one thing for sure like i said everyone has their own opinion did you ever see guys on utube with bald plants nothing but buds no leaves but monster buds ??

once i tried with 2 plants one picked clean one left alone same results buds same

most big fans are used when plants are growing only during Veg

leaves neded for buds provided by bud leaves sticking out of bud and the rows of leeaves around bud

you need to experiment not listen to others all have different opinions i listen then do me

the Attitude promotional said one order per i asked people what they thought said wont work I ordered respriv #18 on June 5th got it on 11 th i ordered headband on the 6th got it on the 12th both with full promotionals total 0f 18 beans femals for free but they sad it wont work
so you do what works best for you but listen to them like I do

im out
1 Love


Well-Known Member
i have experiemented and removing leaf is bad, it is what feeds the plant to produce buds. less leaf means slower growth with smaller buds. and youtube is not a growers guide its a newbie guide more likely. and all the hype is about removing fan leafs. leave them on and you wont regret it. if u want small slow growing lil producing plants go ahead and cut the leafs off. if the plant didnt need them they wouldnt be theri. i thik u need to do some more reading abuot all plants and what they need in order to be healthy and produce a good harvest. get some books and read most internet shit is a myth on here. show me one plant that has HUGEbuds and no leaf


Well-Known Member
youtube is not a growers guide its a newbie guide more likely.
and all the hype is about removing fan leafs. if u want small slow growing lil producing plants go ahead and cut the leafs off. if the plant didnt need them they wouldnt be theri.
show me one plant that has HUGEbuds and no leaf
BINGO! I really REALLY wish more people would realize this! Props on that MC!


I would also like to see this..... Please

And about the training. OP. Me personally, I do not like to do any sort of high stress training. You can make the plant how you want without having to cut it. It just takes some time and patients and string! lol, I don't like to top, fim, or supercrop. I pretty much stick to pure LST. If you are going to do one, I'd super crop, because LSTing after that is pretty easily done. My $0.02 anyways


Well-Known Member
ah hooked your always backin me up man. thanks. i only use youtube to look at huge outdoor videos i dont use it as a learning channel,books and hands on experience is the best way to learn. and riched im not baggin on you just tryin to seperate the facts from fiction for you