Marijuana Tincture - Share What You Know..


Well-Known Member
gatta age it like fine curing good scotch......a conosuer of fine finished product.
I just don't have six months to let shit sit...

That's just crazy.
I would have to go months not smoking if I made my bud into hash, and didn't smoke it...


Well-Known Member
you can always grow more bud..
the longer you wait to make a batch of tincure, just add 3 months to the day (6 if you have patience)

the end result is worth the wait.. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Lol....not anything worth a fuck though!....
Fin has a time -machine? at Fins place!!!

It doesn't TAKE six months to make tincture...There is no reason.
Alcohol is more corrosive than cold water, and if you've ever made ice water hash...You don't do that for months...


Well-Known Member

It doesn't TAKE six months to make tincture...There is no reason.
Alcohol is more corrosive than cold water, and if you've ever made ice water hash...You don't do that for months...
where the fuck in this thread were we talking about making hash?
heard you had a time machine.. you should of seen this coming
go back 5 mins. ago and kick your own ass lmao


Well-Known Member
Maybe to let it cure it's good to let it sit.

But if it's cured bud.
A couple hours at most, then boil it a little to activate. And you have a good tincture to drink :D


Well-Known Member
where the fuck in this thread were we talking about making hash?
heard you had a time machine.. you should of seen this coming
go back 5 mins. ago and kick your own ass lmao

Fucking think.

I'm saying that WATER is LESS CORROSIVE than something like ALCOHOL.
And even when JUST using straight up WATER in hashmaking, you EXTRACT (just like when making tincture :dunce:) the good parts from the plant material.
With ICE water hash, you don't do that for months.
With Acetone you don't do it for months.
With Naptha you don't leave it for months.

With anything else it would be stupid to leave it for months, because it's going to get too much chlorophyll. Even ice water, you don't want to leave it in too long.

So maybe leaving it for months can get another .0001% of deep THC...But You can make a GOOD tincture in 1 day :D
And six months is gonna get other stuff...


Well-Known Member
How can you get tinc. in one day, when the rest of the world has to wait????
"The rest of the world" does not HAVE to wait.
That's your own dumb decision :D It's an option :D And you chose it.

If they HAVE to wait for the alcohol to grab the THC out, then the same would be true of WATER extractions ACETONE extractions and all other extractions.

You're just doing it for your connisuierrial reasons :D Remember?


Well-Known Member
You keep saying alcohol, I hate that shit anyways... glycerol is the good stuff.... maybe thats why it needs longer.