Maybe if you've had some experience...

You might be able to tell me how strong 7g of some beautiful herbage, mixed with 1 stick of unsalted butter [or the equivelant amount in Coconut Oil] would be, cooked in a crock pot on low, for 20hrs? [Could do more or less time, if reccomended]

If a strong final product is desired, is it not even worth making any kind of oil or butter until more bud can be aquired?

I appreciate the insight, people! Thank you!


Well-Known Member
IMO not worth it,
But then again it all depends on your tolerance to marijuana.
I usually make "BOBB" Black Out Bud Butter which requires 12-15oz to 2-3pounds of unsalted european butter, I have an old write up of it some were on here.
jesus fuck thats alot of herbage

tolerance is definately an issue and was looking to experience that next level edible kick before a workout to spare the lungs a bit.

care to share this creation of yours?


Well-Known Member
You might be able to tell me how strong 7g of some beautiful herbage, mixed with 1 stick of unsalted butter [or the equivelant amount in Coconut Oil] would be, cooked in a crock pot on low, for 20hrs? [Could do more or less time, if reccomended]

If a strong final product is desired, is it not even worth making any kind of oil or butter until more bud can be aquired?

I appreciate the insight, people! Thank you!
The standard is one ounce of bud per pound of unsalted butter, clarified or ghee if possible. Potency will depend on whether you decarbed before making the butter. Do NOT cook any longer or you will start to degrade the THC into CBN. 7g will be plenty if you use it all for your edibles or a half cup of coconut oil. If you want it strong, use it all, but even half may be good enough. If you use it all, you can always eat less and vice versa. Allow a couple of tablespoons extra for absorption. And I wouldn't cook it in the crockpot over 13 hours. A grower told me 13 was the magic number and it's always worked well for me. It takes a while for the butter to absorb the psychoactive cannabinoids but too much breaks them down and makes it a "sleepy" effect, too little and you just get the lower cannabinoids and terpenes. A lot of people mistake that for "buzzed". :)