Moondance's Universe of Breeding


Well-Known Member
Well the grow room is cleaned and seeds of Skunk Wrecked Widows have been popped, they are in solo cups and under lights. The new run has begun!


Well-Known Member
Was up bro, I tried to hit u guys up. I am starting to plan the yearly pilgramge. Just checking up on ya. Stay safe and keep em green.


Well-Known Member
What up shiskaboy, man I thought something happened to you, I haven't herd from ya in ages brother. I'm good still can't smoke for 3 months, so I'm growing a new stash. Keep in touch, be safe.
I just go through my downswings sometimes. I always make it back tho. I am starting to plan my trip for 4/20 and was thinking about you guys. This one will be even more epic.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, I really haven't been myself lately. I'm getting there though, slowly but surely. Not sure if I can swing the pilgrimage this coming year but it's still early.


Well-Known Member
In the tent now under the dimmed HPS, topped um at the end of last week. Week 5 now, green and bushy, I'll wait a few weeks to up pot to 3 gallons.


Well-Known Member
Well I had to up pot the girls to 3 gallons, 2 had to stay in one gallons due to lack of space, 7 went to 3 gallons with one selected as a mother. 2 more weeks of veg and I will drop to 11/13 for flowering. Peace, be safe. MD


Well-Known Member
Hey Senile, how goes it? I hope everything is going good for you! Those babies are now on their 2nd week of flowering and almost done with the stretch now. I flipped them a little early so I have enough room to flower properly, otherwise I may have let them get a little bigger. No rush on the equipment, I hope it has served you well. Peace, Be Safe MD.