my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Wow just came home too my pieces sitting on the dinner table. I found out the tv repair guy went in my room found a glow under my closet door... Soo my dad desides too pry the hinges and uproot whats mine when hes a medical marijuana patient...... Not in a legal state but it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. gives no right for him too do what he did. I spent soooo much money on nothing just a better setup when I move. Oh and he thought he would get in trouble for no knowing soo now my plants sitting in the trash can. What the fuck I mean really? He was my motivation too start growing if that tv guy never came over yesterday I woulda been fine and dandy.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
He had every right too. You should have shown him and his house a little more respect. If the cable guy snitched you out to your dad. Well I would be surprised if he didnt snitch you out to the law.


Well-Known Member
You young man are a fucking punk. You want to grow good herb and have privacy ?? Buy you own house . You are not in a medical state. You can get you dad arrested. Fuckwad.

Wow just came home too my pieces sitting on the dinner table. I found out the tv repair guy went in my room found a glow under my closet door... Soo my dad desides too pry the hinges and uproot whats mine when hes a medical marijuana patient...... Not in a legal state but it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. gives no right for him too do what he did. I spent soooo much money on nothing just a better setup when I move. Oh and he thought he would get in trouble for no knowing soo now my plants sitting in the trash can. What the fuck I mean really? He was my motivation too start growing if that tv guy never came over yesterday I woulda been fine and dandy.


Well-Known Member
I am 51 got tow kids full time 16/21, I tell them there is not a damm thing in this house that is not mine.


New Member
Dad's house . Dad's Rules ! Been there before myself but outside .. My Father Inlaw would relish the opportunity to fire up his Tractor and Brush Hog and mow down my girls .. We had acres of Fields and Orchards but he always found them on our property and It sucked but I know he acted like so out of Paranoia and fear , cant blame him or your father for such actions ..

One should really contemplate and consider the repercussions a Illegal grow can bring upon others living in the immediate vicinity .. Dont want your Dads place shot up in a Raid do you ? I doubt so .. Just count your blessings that your not in Jail , knew a kid whos Dad called the police upon discovering his closet operation .. Imagine that one .. Sad it was and yes he served time in the Juvenile detention center due to this .. Dad was a Govt employee and feared loosing his lifes work due to a few plants .. Cant blame Dad again !

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
wtf is your dads problem. i mean if he doesnt like it, then move out and get his own place. wait it is his place. maybe he has his own secret grow and he doesnt need to get busted because of your grow. probly not.

have a sit down talk with your dad. maybe you still wont be able to grow, but give him the respect that he deserves. try and see it from his eyes and agree with him. he may just gain some respect back for you.

stay in school fool.


New Member
Haha...that's gotta fkn n my wife got in a fight n she mumbled something bout blah blah blah the garage blah blah set ups are in the garage...I was at work all day trippin the fuck out thinking i was gonna come home to some shredded plants...or maybe she would just pour gas on em or something...coming home to ur plants fkd up would b a straight up nightmare...if ur dad smokes u shoulda told him bout ur grow...concealing a grow w other ppl in the house not knowing is risky business....I don't blame ur dad...I woulda did the same thing except i woulda just took ur plant...and ur lights n transfered that shit to MY closet.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's being a little hard on him. Yes, he had all the right to pull them but i can understand why you are frustrated. I bet that had he found them before the cable guy did then he would have left them. I am sure that he is concerned that the cable guy will call the police and then he will go to jail. Talk with him about it. Tell him you want to grow since he already knows.


Well-Known Member
Apologize to your father for everything. For growing it without asking him, for him being embarrassed with the cable guy and for you being mad at him (Dad) when you discovered the plant destroyed. That's what an adult would do. If you were a responsible and mature adult that is. Use this as a strengthening thing between you two. You had no rights doing that.

You can get lots more seeds but only one father ever.
Dude, you were putting him at a major risk, (him) being a medical patient, and (you) illegally growing in his house. Your dad should be on here writing about how his idiot son couldn't ask him to be his caretaker, and decided to John Wayne a grow, all on his own. And like others have said, be grateful, that your dad ripped it up, if he didn't put on a little show for the repairman, you might have both been on your way to jail.

P.S. Be happy you still have your dad, I lost mine when I was 20. We got in fist fights, screaming matches, etc... I miss him every day.


keep ur stuff. wait until you move out, then grow. You will have many more chances to grow later. until then find some one that has there own place and share with them


Well-Known Member
perfect example of the type of people this country is now creating. i am entitled to this, i am entitled to that. bullshit. earn it. get your own space and grow up.
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