My first grow box.


Well-Known Member
1.2k for an oz of bud..

you sir, are a fool.
1.well first off i live in the country and i have to drive at east 3hours to get that bud
2maybe you never or you couldnt have smoked some real GDP to say that. and for your info i never stated that i pay 1200.00 you need to read my post again and maybe one more time before you try to make me look silly makes you look retard everytime!


Well-Known Member
lol thatshits funny. thanks all for hanging out on mythreadandthanks for the props. stick around thisis gonna b fun.


Well-Known Member
Day 9&10:
Just balenced ph. The outside temps have been real nice so I can close the door to my cab and the plants r just doing awesome with the temps in the high 70's most of the grow the plants have been in the 84 range. The one seedling that Ithought might of died that I re planted is doing awesome I had add another cup for her roots to grow. I don't have much room and I'm not setup to for three plants. so what to do? Wounder if I should go 12/12 from here see whoisamale who is not but I wanted to grow out my males and try trimming off pollen sacs and only keep one or2 on the plant to pollinate just one branch of the fem. ???


Well-Known Member
Hey man where you get the grandaddy purp seeds from?That shit goes for 1200.00 an ounce here so id like to get a hold to some of those seeds!
yes, because that^ definitely insinuated that you get it for less..

chill winston.

if it 'goes for 1.2' then how much do you get it for?


Well-Known Member
Not to be an ass you want to argue send private messages and stop jacking my thread. You want to talk about the grow and talk normally i"m all for that but, don't fucking argue.


Well-Known Member
Day10&11: Well things seem to be doing well.Tess is looking great joy has a couple nute burns not too worried though. It is real intresting How one plant takes of and the other slow. no big worries. Changed the res put back 1/4tsp of nutes I did want to add some h202 but don't know how much to add. So Ijust left it. I did put more dutc tape on the cover of the res there is alittle light still getting through into the res. I will picup a roll of regular duct tap and do both res's again. wheres the porn? Here it is:


Tess is looking so good:

And No name needs to go friends house:


Well-Known Member
Hey cam you running DWC or soil grow? How come one plantis taking off while the other is kinda stagnet. It's bugging the shit out of me how joy is looking so rough while tess is just exploding and the new plant looks so much better than Joy. Looking for an h202 solution next time I cange the res I want to do just h202 and water. Let me know what ya think. I change every 2days so It won't be that long.


Well-Known Member
I kinda thought so too I don't know.I had the lights right on them so they might of been just kinda basking in the sun if you know what I mean. I pissed at them so in the past 15 min I added 8oz of 3% h202 to the res moved the lights up so they will have to reach for it to induce stretch and misted them with some soda water.They seemed to like the misting whenI was doing it to promote root growth. So we will se what happens.


Well-Known Member
hey koolhand..the strain im growin now is GodxHawaiinxpurple skunk.I got them from to be some dank ass shit.just lettin ya know man.If you know a site that has any purple strain,post it for me pleeeez!


Well-Known Member
koolhand, i no what you mean about some taking off and others not. i have three plants and went a bit overboard with my nutes and the two fastest growers at that time developed nute burn and have become somewhat stunted. the runt of the litter is now huge compared to the others and has no signs of any probs on any of its leaves. i've chopped the first node off one of the affected and the first two nodes off the other affected.


Well-Known Member
Day 11&12: Well balenced ph. Yesteerday when I sprayed the plantsI sprayed them with tonic water. Im an ass tonic water has sugar in it so I had sugar spots all sticky over the leaves over the box. No big deal so I just keep misting them the wash them down. Few hours after I put that h202 in the res last night went back and checked on them they looked good a deep green but, one thing is for sure. Joy is giving me trouble just like most bitch's in my life. lol so were hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
koolhand, i no what you mean about some taking off and others not. i have three plants and went a bit overboard with my nutes and the two fastest growers at that time developed nute burn and have become somewhat stunted. the runt of the litter is now huge compared to the others and has no signs of any probs on any of its leaves. i've chopped the first node off one of the affected and the first two nodes off the other affected.
I did read that plants effect each other? Joy took off as a seedling and has slowed down. Do we have anything solid about the redness on the stems the main stem on tess is green then takes off to purpleish red.


Well-Known Member

I just checked them i moved the light up on tess and joyyesterday right after i found the sugar spot and some of tess's leavesgot fucked up and dried out ithink this was caused by the light cookingthe sugar. I'm am idiot. So tommrow i will change the res and put half nute strength and add another dose of h202.we will see what happens. I also oput asock on my out going fan becauseI didn't like the light pouring in andit shot theheat up to like 107 for a little bit. Fuck everything has to be so god damn perfect it's so frustrating. grrrrr