My first grow box.


Well-Known Member
bro i know what you mean. all the feedback i get is just give em ph'd water and leave it at that for at least 2-3 weeks. i haven't been misting mine (prob should do something as my humidity only hangs round 30, 40 at best). i'll probably go for a ultrasonic fogger slapped in a tub of water. i had some bad wind burn (i think), on the plant nearest the fan. the bottom set of leaves curled up and went dry and crispy. i chopped 'em off today.


Active Member
Dude remember I was going through the same shit initially with my plants and set up? It can get so frustrating and that's when it's important to remember to have fun with it.. we're just learning.

sw looked so dead when she she is now. I wouldn't worry bout your plants drooping and looking ragged. It's temporary I think..



Well-Known Member
day 13&14: Plants look real sick. Today I changed res put half strength nutes added 8oz of h202 and balenced ph. myplants got serious nute burn and when I went up it was only 1/8 tsp. I don't know what's up. If I don't see any change I will go to no nutes just ph balenced water. I doubt it's the h202. I don't know anyone out there that can help? I document eberything I do. I also doubled up on the duct tape on the outside of the box there was way to much light coming through.

Tess and Joy r sick


Well-Known Member
Plants still look like shit. wentto balence ph and it didn't move from yesterday which is a good thing. Gonna go with the straight phed water tommrow and slowly ad back the nutes also gonna get a heater for water a fully submerged heater. set it at 68 degrees rep to rollwithit.


Well-Known Member
to me, they look they are being over-watered, which in hydro means that they haven't got enough oxygen getting to the roots, so uh, how big is your airstone?


Active Member
I'm no expert at this but if I would have to take a wild guess I would say go for fresh water, ventilate them more and see if the nature is doing the magic.

That air stone check also sounds good.

I feel your pain though.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert at this but if I would have to take a wild guess I would say go for fresh water, ventilate them more and see if the nature is doing the magic.

That air stone check also sounds good.

I feel your pain though.
Guys thanks for stopping in and for helping. I change my water every 2 days tommrow is the day I have a 12 inch air stone running right underneth the pots. The roots r nice and white. from the h202. It's real cold on my porch I am goingto hae to get a heater boughtone but I can't control the temp on it thats no good. So tommrow I will go looking for one. I think im gonna have to move the cab inside. because I can't turn off thelights with the temps the way they are. The plants look like they are too cold and starting pull back into themselvesif I getout of this one I will be lucky.


Well-Known Member
it looks like you have planted them too deep because the leaves that are coming out of the medium are more yellow than others. They will grow more leaves out dont worry they are doing okay for their time. Make sure the any airstones u have are directly under these, lower the cfl to right on top of the bud but never let it burn the bud. Get it close for more light intensity. Get a powerful floor fan and let it blow let it blow this will stimulate stem and leaf growth!


Well-Known Member
it looks like you have planted them too deep because the leaves that are coming out of the medium are more yellow than others. They will grow more leaves out dont worry they are doing okay for their time. Make sure the any airstones u have are directly under these, lower the cfl to right on top of the bud but never let it burn the bud. Get it close for more light intensity. Get a powerful floor fan and let it blow let it blow this will stimulate stem and leaf growth!
I did some trimming gona ost in a min how about nutes I got the same ones you have how much how often? shouldnot be changing my res so much?


Well-Known Member
Day 15&16: Well I cleaned the res changed the water and balenced ph. they will stay with no nutes for today and tommrow and then back slowy bring the nutes back.

Got a 50w submergable water heater and set it at 68 degrees so hopefully that will help with the cold nights.

Trimed the dead leaves off of both plants and also let the roots chill for about ten min out of the water. not much else but hopefully this will help I brought the lights up to help produce stretch but gonna lower them after talking to highlife. Anyone doing dwc should check his link. awesome shit. here aresome pics of what was done tonight.


Tess before trim and after:

Joy before and after trim:



And no name which is just hanging out in a pot don't know if I will need her ut she is looking good:

please feel free to give any feed back, Thanks


Active Member
hey man hope that works..I'll say some kinda prayer

those nutes highlife has auto balance ph. that's what's i'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
Day 16&17:

Well just balenced ph new it wasen't gonna stay stable no nutes in the mix. I don't think I was over nutting I really think I was under nutting so my plants were looking for food plus I think the water temp was way to cold. Gonna add a 1/4tsp to a gal and half of water then go up from there quater 1/8ts at a time. I don't know can't get any real advice about the nutes so fuck it at this point. Just gonna follow the label.


Well-Known Member
Day 17&18:
well I added 38tsp of nutes to the res. I am going with what the box says see if that works. When I aded nutes it droped the ph to almost the correct level. Had to add 5 drops to getit to the 5.5 range. So hopefully this will help. I did this earlier in the day checked on the plants and joy should so sings of pulling her top cola leaves up toward the light. Tess is looking alittle fuller also. no name is exploding twice the size ofthe other girls. I dont' know starter soil is kicking the shit out of my dwc right now hope that changes.


Well-Known Member
Day 18&19:
Well,plants seem to be adjusting to the nutes well. they have lifted thier leaves and spreading out for the light. I did have to balence phjust added 2 drops of ph down and checked ph it was perfect. I Have to do some research on the ph and how or why it changes so quickly as this can lead to root rought. Any Ideas? Here a couple pics for ya.


No name: