My Girlfriend


Well-Known Member
my girlfriend is leaving for school soon, she's going to the same school as I am but I am not going until the second semester. Anyway, she swore off alcohol and partying for me over this summer because of something she did. Her school is known for the parties, so I was talking to her about partying.

I told her I'd rather her smoke pot then drink hands down. then...she say's

"why? pot is so much worse then alcohol."

so I began to argue because that was such a stupid statement to make, she hasn't smoked as much as I did so I didn't even think she should have an opinion on the matter.

she said, "why is it illegal? alcohol isnt illegal."

all this nonsense bull shit. I sent her information as to why it were illegal and Marijuana Law Reform - NORML.

First off, how can I convince her that pot is safer then alcohol. I want her to smoke with me, do you know what I could say to get her to do that?


Well-Known Member
read to her from jack herrer's book 'the emperor's waring no cloths' and if she still doesnt get it then consider a new girl friend


Well-Known Member
why would you want to change someone. a drug is a drug.
yes i would prefer pot. take her to a detox for a scared straight method, mabee it will wake her up


100% Authentic A$$Hole
why would you want to change someone. a drug is a drug.
yes i would prefer pot. take her to a detox for a scared straight method, mabee it will wake her up
I agree......although I do think marijuana is safer than alcohol the thing I hate the most is when people try to justify why what drug they choose is better than yours persay.........Being a user of every kind of drug in my time there are definately differences but I would rather find out for myself then to be preached too...........Id say let her do her own thing. Knowledge is good but don't become a preacher.


Well-Known Member
marijuana is not a drug, get an education instead of regurgitating propaganda
thats funny. i have worked in recovery centers in the past and WAS an addict and i have seen some scary stuff even from mj, so if it`s not a drug then what is it?
and yes of course booze is worse, just cause it dosn`t cause as many issuse it is still a drug.
oh and i do have an education in drug and alcohol counceling, whats your education in this field?


Well-Known Member
thats funny. i have worked in recovery centers in the past and WAS an addict and i have seen some scary stuff even from mj, so if it`s not a drug then what is it?
and yes of course booze is worse, just cause it dosn`t cause as many issuse it is still a drug.
oh and i do have an education in drug and alcohol counceling, whats your education in this field?
that is like saying a banana is a drug or basil or garlic. your education has made you a pawn in the "war on drugs" really the war on poeple.

if you are making a living of this concept that you have a vested interest in the lies


100% Authentic A$$Hole
that is like saying a banana is a drug or basil or garlic. your education has made you a pawn in the "war on drugs" really the war on poeple.

if you are making a living of this concept that you have a vested interest in the lies

Were you dropped in a blender when you were born? Cuz you seem a bit mixed up......Do people smoke banana peels and basil for pain relief, insomnia, migraines, naseua etc....?


Well-Known Member
you got me all wrong bud. i actualy am all for legalizing it for med purposes. actualy that is what i do. i grow to supply my medical distribution center.
how dop you even compare those to drugs, do you smoke bananas to get high or something?
there are no lies in what i say i have seen it with my own eyes. mabee some people can handle the pot others they cant. just like some people can handle booze and some cant that dosen`t decide what a drug is or isn`t. why is it illegal then.

one last thing addiction has nothing to do with drugs. you can be adicted to lots of things, gambling, food, growing pot lol


Well-Known Member
i wouldn`t worry about what he says he obviously has no education in this.
are we looking for post points?


Well-Known Member
First you get stoned and show her a great, fun time, then get really drunk and beat the shit out of her. Maybe she'll get the message.


Active Member
thats funny. i have worked in recovery centers in the past and WAS an addict and i have seen some scary stuff even from mj, so if it`s not a drug then what is it?
and yes of course booze is worse, just cause it dosn`t cause as many issuse it is still a drug.
oh and i do have an education in drug and alcohol counceling, whats your education in this field?
Many years ago I fell on the job and broke my tailbone- was the worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life!! Could not sit without pain for almost 2 yrs. Docs started with Vicodin, but by the end I was getting 60 60Mg Oxyccontin and 60 Mg Valuim /month, and these STILL werent enough.

Wound up getting ahold of some Diludid ( pharmacy heroin) and shooting it, all in the name of trying to get out of pain..

Walked in to rehab chewing on all the pills i had- 100 MG/ Val and 90 Mg Morphine Sulphate time release.(was copping from "friends" just to not get sick)
I never set out to be a junkie, I had a LEGITIMATE injury that needed treatment.
I spent a week in the rehab center so i wouldnt die from the detox,(quantidine)

then went home and locked myself in the house for a month or so and did nothing but smoke evrytime i had pain or nausea from the withdraws.

if it wasnt for weed, i doubt i would be off the pills today!

POT PROBABLY SAVED MY LIFE!!- I am SURE i would have eventually OD'ed if i hadnt stopped. Pot was insturmental in helping me quit.
Nowdays, i barely take asprin!
\-x0D :bigjoint: