My Girlfriend


Well-Known Member
Ok if you cant answer my question than answer this for me.........What do you consider a drug?
if you accept the definition of a drug is a substance that alters you then everything is a drug and you give up your right to unfettered access to life sustaining foods, and herbs. everything you take into your body has some effect on your system, end of story


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Many years ago I fell on the job and broke my tailbone- was the worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life!! Could not sit without pain for almost 2 yrs. Docs started with Vicodin, but by the end I was getting 60 60Mg Oxyccontin and 60 Mg Valuim /month, and these STILL werent enough.

Wound up getting ahold of some Diludid ( pharmacy heroin) and shooting it, all in the name of trying to get out of pain..

Walked in to rehab chewing on all the pills i had- 100 MG/ Val and 90 Mg Morphine Sulphate time release.(was copping from "friends" just to not get sick)
I never set out to be a junkie, I had a LEGITIMATE injury that needed treatment.
I spent a week in the rehab center so i wouldnt die from the detox,(quantidine)

then went home and locked myself in the house for a month or so and did nothing but smoke evrytime i had pain or nausea from the withdraws.

if it wasnt for weed, i doubt i would be off the pills today!

POT PROBABLY SAVED MY LIFE!!- I am SURE i would have eventually OD'ed if i hadnt stopped. Pot was insturmental in helping me quit.
Nowdays, i barely take asprin!
\-x0D :bigjoint:
Been there done that.....I know exactly what you went through.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn`t worry about what he says he obviously has no education in this.
are we looking for post points?
the educated no-mind, so i guess then that vitamins must be drugs to? you are going to make some tasty soylent green crackers some day


100% Authentic A$$Hole
if you accept the definition of a drug is a substance that alters you then everything is a drug and you give up your right to unfettered access to life sustaining foods, and herbs. everything you take into your body has some effect on your system, end of story

Bwahahahahahhaha you have no idea and still fail to answer the question......If you are either trying to imply that either everything is a drug or there is no such thing as a drug......I guess everybody is white in todays world too.


Well-Known Member
at least i am educated here. you cant hacve an intelligent conversation about this without getting mouthy?

\x0D gald to hear your cleaned up. when i went in to detox i was doing an 8 ball a day of heroin and an ounce of rock a day, not proud of that but i have beat it now for 7 years even though it has cost me my life.

so to the other guy unless you have been there you will have no clue what some of us went through.
someone that has gone through this is educating and someone like you is preaching with nothing to back it
never saw anyone loose thier home over vitimins or bananas


New Member
as for your girlfriend...that's the point right? you can't change people...she believes what she believes and you have to learn to deal with it...or find a girl that likes to smoke the weed....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
you got me all wrong bud. i actualy am all for legalizing it for med purposes. actualy that is what i do. i grow to supply my medical distribution center.

I'm for legalizing it for ALL adults! Fuck it.... if alcohol is legal then there isn't a reason in the world that MJ shouldn't be legal for recreational use as well.

Personally I don't have a "medical" need for mj.... it's all recreational use in my case. I love being able to catch a nice buzz a few times a week and wake up in the morning nice and fresh.... unlike alcohol where if I get drunk I wake up with my head in the toilet.... mouth tasting like I licked an ashtray and the details of the night before are hazy.

MJ is a drug.... but it's a WAY better one then alcohol.


Well-Known Member
at least i am educated here. you cant hacve an intelligent conversation about this without getting mouthy?

\x0D gald to hear your cleaned up. when i went in to detox i was doing an 8 ball a day of heroin and an ounce of rock a day, not proud of that but i have beat it now for 7 years even though it has cost me my life.

so to the other guy unless you have been there you will have no clue what some of us went through.
someone that has gone through this is educating and someone like you is preaching with nothing to back it
never saw anyone loose thier home over vitimins or bananas
sorry but we wernt having an intelligent conversation. you are an indoctrinated fool


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha. no your right for once, WE were having the inteligent conversation not you


Well-Known Member
only in your mind you are

Y u wanna keep goin at it bra?
U stated how u feel,
U dont think bud is a drug, get ova it.
U actin like a lil kid wit this ",oxygen, vitamins" sayin things like dat is a drug.

Cut da back n forth this site aint for that

Let it go!



Well-Known Member
I stopped reading all of this after the beginning of the third page...

I figured out what to do on my own there was no valuable advice given here except for "you can't changer her, so let her be her." or something along those lines. I had a talk with her today and explained that I hated alcohol with a passion but apologized for asking her to do drugs instead...I suppose she isn't meant for either. it was mentioned that some people can use marijuana, alcohol or other drugs and lead a normal civilized life. others cannot. my girlfriend is one of the people that cannot and I've accepted that.