Well, wadda ya gonna do? Its my bad I should have washed out the pot before I added the new soil mix. I hope I can rid her of mites. I cant see putting her back in there with all these things. The mites are in the upper branches too.Well dammit cruzer, it would have to be my pick, giving you the most trouble. Sorry!Your girls are just amazing, mites or no! Bet you get buds bigger than your arm.
So thats the best huh? ok I have seen that before and will get it. Its not really pricey when you think of what you lose to them things. I know I have lost ounces to them in a single grow.Hey cruzer. I know I gave you advice for mites before, but as far as getting rid of them I have tried just about every product on the market and the doctor doom stuff was in the middle as far as effectiveness. The best spray I found was organocide, it smells terrible(like rotting fish) but it kills mites and eggs on contact and is organic and safe to use up to harvest, but it still never got rid of them completely. What got rid of them completely was the foggers. I tried the Dr Doom ones but they kept coming back, as soon as I switched to these
That is the pyrithrin one any also maker a one with acitin and that one works better and leaves less residue and is better in flower. With the acitin one, I ised one in each grow room a few months ago and havent seen the little fuckers since. They are a little pricey but well worth it to get rid of those fuckers forever in one application.
Yea, cool find. I paid about a dollar more and didnt get the handles.hey cruzer. i was on ebay crusin around and found these 10 gallon smart pots with handles and thought of you. dont know how durable they are but heres the link . http://cgi.ebay.com/10-x-10-GALLON-GRO-POTS-smart-plant-10gal-container-/290448396628?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a012d154
Yea and to think commerical growers have been using these for years and didnt tell us...Those are a great find. I use nothing but smart pots now. My tomatoes and MJ just love the extra oxygen getting to the roots.
You bet they can. preventive measures are the way to go. Its a bitch fighting an infestation. I think its a timming thing, kill the adults, then kill the juvinels before they can lay eggs. Then keep treating to kill the remaining eggs as they hatch.I use Oranocide too and it does stink like fish. I ordered it because I saw a documentary where commercial growers were using it in northern Cali. Best of luck to you man; those little bastards can drive you crazy.
Well ya know, I was thinking something along the same lines when I built that sulfur burner. I can run that and although it isnt really designed to kill mites I think it helps stop an infestation by making a uncomforable environment, the bonus is it kills mildew so thats one less worry. I thought of putting in misters but then I figured like steam, it would create to much humidity.I can see all your plants saying "seat taken" when you bring her back into the greenhouse!! Hope you get it worked out bro, I hate to see anyone go through this shit.
I had a thought that steam may help, since they don't like heat or humidity. But the plants prob won't like being hit with steam either!!
Hey Lurker, yea, I know what you mean.isnt tht something the way you can have three plants in close space one get mites others dont one gets powdery mildew others dont i cant figure it i just rejoice that all dont get the shit
good luck from a lurker
I concur. Those are very powerful.Yeah, those foggers I posted the link to are the shit. I had mixed results with the pyrithrin ones but the acitin ones worked oners. It made me nervous when I used them because they are commercial quality and they say to only use with approval in commercial applications(large greenhouses) and had a 3 page safety list for proper use and handling, but like I said, I used one in each room(veg/flower) and havent seen a single mite since.
I dont see any movement but they are still there. I'm not fucking around with this.
Thats good info man, My space is roughly 7x11 at about 7 feet in height so figure 539 sq ft. I went with the fogger size that was for 12x12 room. I looked at the bigger foggers used in comercial applications but like you I was concerned of the after effects in a smaller area. So, you used these with your plants in the room right?Yeah, those foggers I posted the link to are the shit. I had mixed results with the pyrithrin ones but the acitin ones worked oners. It made me nervous when I used them because they are commercial quality and they say to only use with approval in commercial applications(large greenhouses) and had a 3 page safety list for proper use and handling, but like I said, I used one in each room(veg/flower) and havent seen a single mite since.
Thanks man,I concur. Those are very powerful.
Somehow the borg reference may be more accurate for their numbers, but the pure evil factor always make me want to grab a pulse rifle ...
Good luck with the battle.
Fallout... Thats what Im talkin about. What, like hose everything down after a fogger treatment?^ xD. make sure you clean up the fallout real good. might negate the effects xD
Ha!Hey Cruzer, getting back into the game so just wanted to stop by and say "hello"
Looked at some pics and you've got some absolute beasts in there, my friend
Now as far as my two cents on the spider mite issue, I like the predatory insect idea, but if that's not working for you, I'd recommend buying a 20lb. CO2 tank off of Craigslist for $20 or $30 (I'm currently selling my three because I'm just gonna use my generator, but the gist is that they're not very hard to find - restaurants/distributors are always getting rid of them).
Go get said tank filled for $15 at a welding place/beer distributor, and put that tank in the center of your greenhouse - close all the windows (obviously a cool day works better), and open that fucker up (not full blast).
Come back in an hour, close it.
Repeat in a week.
No more mites, and your plants will have grown a little faster
Anyways, I'm off to totally empty out my garage..........ratfarts.
He he, ya buddy! kinda gets ya by the boo boo dont it?omg cruz that fricking alsome. there is no room in that green house. wall to wall plants lol wow, to cool bro.
I do man, thanks for the advice. At this point I just see them on one plant and she is isolated outside the greenhouse. Funny you mention that cause I hit her with a garden hose before a floramite treatment last night. the lower branches had to be tied cause of the weight of the water. I never had a plant big enough to do that before. "Soak the shit outta them" Now I got the picture.Spidermites.....
when its time to water your plants, wait until the evening... and SHOWER AND SHOWER AND SHOWER THEM.... Soak the shit out of them.... Blast them, and then spray with neem or azamax or a garlic spray or whatever..... Set Your AC on really cold the same night..... do this for a week or two and they won't come back.
I have successfully gotten rid of Mites, Powdery Mildew, and a few other pests and problems.... trust me.