My Reasoning...


New Member
This thread is a way of explaining my reasoning for using a runt and apparent late maturer as a future mother.

Out of all the plants this one has suffered the most. She's had the poorest light and was the last to see the inside of a big pot. I believe that it is my handling of her that has led to the stunted growth. If she'd had the same treatment as the others I'm sure she'd be up there with them. I don't think that she's a real late developer.

Therefore it makes sense, to me at least, that she be the one reverted. Especially as all the other plants are covered in buds after only 16 days. She is just showing one little pod with two tiny pistils.


New Member
She's only 8" tall and has now been in the fridge for 48 hours or thereabouts.

If she were a late developer then she wouldn't have shown, albeit a couple of days later, at the same time as the others. She's just stunted, I'm sure against her dna's wishes.

Does anyone know or believe that her dna could have been structurally altered through her ill treatment?

I suppose the real question I want to ask is: Do you think she'd make a good mother?


New Member
We've converted an old fridge into a grow space for a vegging mother. I'll take pic's maybe next week when my buds are bigger.

Got another, smaller fridge (this one we keep in the grow room) that we are now using for clones. I've taken 11, doing it in soil again. Couldn't help myself after reading this other guys post declaring a 100% success rate in soil. Hopefully 11 will = some sort of survival rate. I'm going to get some wilt spray tomorrow to increase their chances.

If they die this time I'm going to call it a day till tuesday, when this clone king is supposed to be coming. Supposed to be here saturday, but this and that... Anyway, won't I still be able to rock cube them out of the soil on tuesday?