Need a little help!

I'm using shultz 10-15-10 my plants are in mg soil and i believe the nutes ran out or were locked out because my plants were beginning to get Brown rust looking spots on there leaves and turning light green and yellow rather than the usual dark green so I'm flushing them now and I did some foliage feeding any tips or info would be great like how often u should foliage feed and should I also add the nutes to the water also when I do it.


Well-Known Member
yep your very new or you would already know that what your doing is SO WRONG

MG is bad for beginers and that $4 shultz crap just adds to the problem


Well-Known Member
MG is ok if you use the organic (never the moisture control) and have a bit of gardening experience

I use FF Happy Frogs to nurture seedlings and then switch to soilless mix (SunShine mix #4) for finishing

you could read my current journal (Balls to Wall sig link) there is a lot of explainin there :)


Well-Known Member
yep your very new or you would already know that what your doing is SO WRONG

MG is bad for beginers and that $4 shultz crap just adds to the problem
You want to explain why Shultz plant food is crap? I call BS on that because I use it in my atomizer for my clones. It doesn't give me any problems.

As far as MG goes, it can actually be great for beginners if they learn to not feed the plants for the first 3-4 weeks. I use MG Organic Choice in all my grows and I love it. The only thing I do is add perlite and worm castings. Usually by week 4 they begin to show signs of needing some nutes and I slowly introduce food at that time, Fox Farms line.

So I would disagree with riddleme regarding MG for beginners, it's actually a great soil. It comes loaded with nutes in time release, wetting agents and lime. All the same things people would use if making their own organic soil. No sense busting on MG cause it is a popular thing to do.
OK cause I have to transplant this Fri anyway cause my pots are to small and what is a good all around nute that I can buy at the store


Well-Known Member
Stop giving more nutes, they have enough crap in the soil already now plus some. Get a larger pot, go ask your local hydro, grow store for a bag of pre mixed organic soil. It will be a generic bag of what they use probably with no nutes in it "perilite, vermiculite, shredded moss and soil. Re-pot, water heavily and let her recover and use the excess nutrients it already has from the mg and schults. I'm a new grower and had similar problems trying to over feed my new plants with name brand cheap ready mixes on my first grow. While your plant is recovering, hit up the nutrient forum over the next few days and read TONS of posts for a few hours. When you find something that makes sense to you and has had proven results with other growers give that a try. Make sure you know how often your going to be watering with what nutes in what quantities BEFORE you go out and buy something.

There are guys on the nutes forum who will gladly help you, I'm just using what works for me and cant really give you any more advice on this than that. Cannabis can grow with just water and dirt so give them a break for a while until you have more confidence in your nutrient regime. They will probably perk up after a transplant into neutral soil.

PS. have you ph'd your water supply yet? Bad or over nutes with poor ph could be hitting you with a double whammy.


Well-Known Member
You want to explain why Shultz plant food is crap? I call BS on that because I use it in my atomizer for my clones. It doesn't give me any problems.

As far as MG goes, it can actually be great for beginners if they learn to not feed the plants for the first 3-4 weeks. I use MG Organic Choice in all my grows and I love it. The only thing I do is add perlite and worm castings. Usually by week 4 they begin to show signs of needing some nutes and I slowly introduce food at that time, Fox Farms line.

So I would disagree with riddleme regarding MG for beginners, it's actually a great soil. It comes loaded with nutes in time release, wetting agents and lime. All the same things people would use if making their own organic soil. No sense busting on MG cause it is a popular thing to do.
ok, so I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, I explained in my second post :)

and I actually own a bottle of the shultz (though I've never used it) it is great for what your doing with clones :)

it is also higher in P and when mixed with the nutes already in the MG it causes lockouts (in most cases) as it throws the NPK balance off

on top of that it (and MG) both use a lot of Urea for the N, not saying this a bad thing (my Jack's uses some urea as well) but doubling the source is not a good thing

hope that better explains it
OK cool but I have never gave them any nutes someone told me I should foliage feed them because the mg nutes were locked out or gone so I just sprayed them down with half strength nutes and put tons of water into the soil. then been in there for about two months now.


How much nutes are you using? After you flush them give them a lower dose. Like 1/4 strength of what you gave before. See how that works. Plus if the soil has plant food in it adding to much can be counterproductive. Get some superthrive. They sell it at walmart. It works great and is not a fert... Its vitamins and hormones and helps with a lot of different kinds of stress. I use it all the time and never had any kind of problems while using it. Its also not very expensive. You should put some pics up so we can see the problems with are own eyes. A doctor can not diagnose a disease with-out seeing the patient... LOL