New seedlings ready for outdoors and repotting help


Active Member
I am going to be topping today and would like a few tips. I got the basic idea of it, but anything you guys know from experience would help.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I am going to be topping today and would like a few tips. I got the basic idea of it, but anything you guys know from experience would help.
Just use a small set of long skinny nippers or something like nose-hair scissors. Just nip it above the junction of the two sets of leaves {at whatever node you decide on}. But most of the time I forget to pack my little nipper thing, so I pinch them off with my thumb and finger. It's very tender, it will come off with little resistance.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I was out checking on my GN patch yesterday when I discovered a BST2 that was over knee high and hadn't been topped. Not sure what I was thinking the last time I was out there. But it can be put in the better late than never category, it's topped now.


Active Member
Just topped them. I put the clippings in some inert potting mix, I'll try my hand at cloning.

#1 was topped to try the mainlining technique
#2 and #3 were topped regularly.

Do i need to do anything at this point?

