
Well-Known Member
So I've received tons of help on here regarding deficiencies, soil, nutes, etc. now I new a few pointers on scrogging for those of you who have experience doing so. I topped my plant and used quite a bit of LST to produce a canopy im alright with. However, I want to take advantage of the scrog method and built a frame and net with 2.5 inch squares. My question is the following since Im growing inside a grow cabinet I don't have 4x4ft area so I made the scrog net frame 18inx18in. and 20in height. Is this too small? Will this actually help me with the size of my plant being as it is? When do I weave the stems? once it was reached certain inches over the net or before it gets past the net? and finally, which branches do I weave? only the main ones or also all the secondary growth that has gotten to the same height?