Newb Question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Im a first time indoor grower in Canada and i need your inputs.

I have a 400Watt HPS light over 3 plants. 2 of the plants i was given and 1 i grew from a Seed.

So basicaly 2 of them were started outside and i have no idea when they were started. The one i started is under a month old and is much bushyer.

Anyways what i would like to ask you guys is juging from the picture should i be trimming off some of the Big leaves on my plant? im asking this because the way i see it the bigger the leaf the more energy it consumes and seing as the plant is in veg state would it help it grow if i did trim them or would i be slowing her down?

Thanks for your time... I have a 1000Watt Metal halide bulb and ballast that i need to find a place to start using. Since im doing this in a 5 foot deep closet (8 feet tall) i dont think it would be a good idea to replace my 400watter by a 1000 since all i have for ventilation is room fan blowing when the closet door is open.



Well-Known Member
And yes i know i need to transplant the 2 others plants into different pots! im desinfecting the 2 other pots as we speak !:P


Well-Known Member
Never trim off any leafs, unless they are more than 50% dead or dieing. Doing so will slow down growth and bud potential. Canadian or not, No taking healthy leaves off, especialy the big fans.


New Member
i wouldnt trim any leaves man, could stress the plant, you might want to do some low stress training or top it...there some good threads about how to do that on here, but they look good


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys, yeah the plant on the picture is 2 weeks old :) about 6-8inch high and bushy!

Looking forward to learn more off you guys.

Im currently not using any nutes. but im planning on starting next week with grow nutes.
Since im a first time grower id also like to know approx how much weed you guys pull off your girls? ive had friends pull 3onces (dry) regularly from theyrs but dont really know how much i might be able to pull off mine.

Dont mind my english lol im french ;)


Well-Known Member
well she is bushy so im not to worryed about her growing tall and falling over. Ive watched friends fail and give up so i know the basics of what not to do but still need guidance on succeeding!