Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
The only reason she stuck fear into any hearts is because we thought of having that idiot in a position of power.
And Hillary had already lost before Palin came into the picture, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there.Palin was an obvious attempt to get the female vote.

"MAY" have been skewed?That's the understatement of the decade.
The Main Stream Media is very much skewed to the left. Their anti-Palin bullshit started immediately after she gave her speech at the Republican convention. She struck fear into the hearts of every Progressive on the planet ... and continues to do so. Have you watched Bill Mahar lately? Honestly, that douche-bag won't let up on Palin.
American Pravda is alive and well and they will do anything to destroy Palin in print or on the boob-tube. Why? Because prior to Palin's convention speech, McCain was completely dead in the water. Hillary would have won if it weren't for Palin. Of course, the downside is, we got Obama instead of Hillary. Boo.