Nutrients Question


Active Member
My 4 plants are 12 days old and are growing outdoors. I bought Advanced Nutrients for my plants. When should I start using the nutrients?
12 days old? Is there nutes in the soil you planted them in? If so, you can probably wait another week or two. Or just go VERY light, like 1/4 strength of what the bottle says. Light feedings more often always rule over heavy, infrequent feedings. Good luck in the great outdoors:blsmoke:


Active Member
12 days old? Is there nutes in the soil you planted them in? If so, you can probably wait another week or two. Or just go VERY light, like 1/4 strength of what the bottle says. Light feedings more often always rule over heavy, infrequent feedings. Good luck in the great outdoors:blsmoke:
They are currently in Miracle-Gro potting soil but are going to be transplanted to FF OF. Thanks for the good luck. The following nutrients the soil contains:
Macro: Nitrogen, Phosphorous ,Potassium
Micro: Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Zinc
Yeah, transplant ASAP. The MG soil isnt doing you any favors. If you didnt already buy the FFOF, I would advise against it. For simplicity, you can use Roots Organics cut with about 25-50% compost, fresh or store bought. A little extra pumice if you want, because more oxygen in the soil is always a good thing. I would make sure you cut it a little to avoid stressing your little plants, depending on the strain. The 707 by them is very mild and can be ammended with dry ferts, (Espoma Bio Tones, full line is a no brainer, sold at Lowes and elsewhere. A measuring cup is all you need) No silly bottles for $16.99, or supertonics for $35.99, no hassle. You can get absolutely nutty with organics and build your own soil, do compost/nute teas, etc. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. I've done it both ways, and in 15+ years of doing this, I have never worked so little for so much return, in regards to yield, taste, smell, effects, etc. Any questions you have, just ask away.


Well-Known Member
LOL Stay away from Roots Organic. RO soil and other unmentioned RO products are crap compared to FFOF. RO has been trying to compete with FFOF for ever and now they come out with 707 soil trying to compare it to FFOF.
As for when to add nutes, well transplant in FFOF and then wait for the cotyledon leafs to yellow (rule) if they are already yellow or gone, go ahead and start adding nutes after one week of transplant. follow the link below and look how plants grow in RO and FFOF then tell me which plant would you rather have.
And Yes I showed my nutes in a line up, just went Organic and am proud.
Yes, and watch your plants suffer miserably. "Pics says it all" Do you want advice from a guy who admits he "just started in organics"? If you are watering ever two days, your soil is too wet. They are still small, with small root systems. I think Golden Showers must work for Fox Farms or something. kiss-ass ANY soil will work if you have your technique down. Remember, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Well-Known Member
You know you can tell a growers skills and whats in his bowl just by his attitude and your's, well I would say childish and crappy. That's too bad, but hey thats your life not mine LOL. ~RASTA
Yes, and watch your plants suffer miserably. "Pics says it all" Do you want advice from a guy who admits he "just started in organics"? If you are watering ever two days, your soil is too wet. They are still small, with small root systems. I think Golden Showers must work for Fox Farms or something. kiss-ass ANY soil will work if you have your technique down. Remember, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Aw, come on, now! Was it the Golden Showers comment? Don't be such a little girl! I, rasta! I didn't realize you were a dread from Kingston. Mad respect, bro, I didn't know!! Childish AND crappy? Really? Did you say crappy? What would your pastor say! Seriously, I'm being totally sarcastic and just playing with you. You can also tell someones age by how they respond to constructive criticism and by have an absolutist mind set. Oh yeah, that, and not addressing ONE of the points I made. This is more fun if you actually try a defend yourself instead your "sticks and stones" approach. Are you or are you not, new to organics? Ok, your a bit sensitive, I can see. Once you become more secure in your skills, and in yourself, you'll be able to navigate this big scary world unaffected by childish, crappyheads like me!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Your fartin in the wind, ( meaning all that comes out of your mouth is shit and therefore I will continue to ignore all posting done by you, like all in the past and all in future, and future names you may use. But go ahead, spill fourth your negativity so we all know to stand way of you.

Aw, come on, now! Was it the Golden Showers comment? Don't be such a little girl! I, rasta! I didn't realize you were a dread from Kingston. Mad respect, bro, I didn't know!! Childish AND crappy? Really? Did you say crappy? What would your pastor say! Seriously, I'm being totally sarcastic and just playing with you. You can also tell someones age by how they respond to constructive criticism and by have an absolutist mind set. Oh yeah, that, and not addressing ONE of the points I made. This is more fun if you actually try a defend yourself instead your "sticks and stones" approach. Are you or are you not, new to organics? Ok, your a bit sensitive, I can see. Once you become more secure in your skills, and in yourself, you'll be able to navigate this big scary world unaffected by childish, crappyheads like me!:lol:
:clap:Hey thats the same exact post from the other thread! You creative devil you! Writing is almost as hard as reading and grammar, isn't it?
Not quite as simple as organic growing, which can be mastered with a bag of FFOF and some Auto seeds!! Yeah, I'm for REALS!!


Well-Known Member
Why yu fe galang so?

:clap:Hey thats the same exact post from the other thread! You creative devil you! Writing is almost as hard as reading and grammar, isn't it?
Not quite as simple as organic growing, which can be mastered with a bag of FFOF and some Auto seeds!! Yeah, I'm for REALS!!
Your not really alright, it's called sarcasm. Im going to use your incoherent, hillbilly rambling as my signature for all to see! And, YES, you are hammered.
Cuyah, he gwan like he nice eee
That's not as funny as the first one. Keep up, now, come on!


Well-Known Member
Those that lack leach. See how Ps i love you hangs on to me. I have seen his type come and go many times. Ps i love you could be a banned member from the recent pass.