On Global Warming - 16,000 scientistS agree ...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
maybe.. maybe not ... lol

the agenda is irrelevant and a distraction from the issue at hand.. if satan is concerned about gods health... cause he is afraid that if GOD dies there will be no more souls created.... and satan buys god some cough syrup.. then who gives a hoot what satans agenda is.. he is trying to save god..



New Member
No, the agenda is relevant ... and Al Gore is a socialist robot.

The agenda, like I said, is world socialism and economic control. I'd say that's VERY relevant. See the Hugo Chavez thread.



Well-Known Member
well if ice is forming in the south, and ice is melting in the north... it will just reverse the climate of the world... and under Antartica there use to be a sea of green... maybe it will reverse and the north pole will become a sea of green and the south will stay covered in ice for another billion years

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Al Gore wants economic control of the world...?

Economic control is given ONE person at a time.. it is called "6 billion sleeping yet ferociously consuming humans"

There are no masters, there are no puppets....
Just look at ONE self and it will become clear where the problem and the solution lie..

Then ONE does not have to resort to name calling and BLAMING...

cause BLAMING never ends... blaming is a convienance when ONE can NOT except the truth..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
VI.... good chatting with you.. I am off for a few days to south america.. there are some donkeys down there that need a hug...

i'll be back to hug you too..

maybe my Blackberry will work and I can still play..



New Member
No, the agenda is relevant ... and Al Gore is a socialist robot.

The agenda, like I said, is world socialism and economic control. I'd say that's VERY relevant. See the Hugo Chavez thread.

And the agenda in my country? What about the rest of Europe? America has never exactly been forward in accepting scientific research, quite backwards, in fact. There is another world aside from the US Vi'. You don't have the best scientists for this type of research. I think your country needs to stick to making war planes. Leave the HONEST research to the rest of the world.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
And the agenda in my country? What about the rest of Europe? America has never exactly been forward in accepting scientific research, quite backwards, in fact. There is another world aside from the US Vi'. You don't have the best scientists for this type of research. I think your country needs to stick to making war planes. Leave the HONEST research to the rest of the world.
Republica democrat
Uk usa
Muslim christian

Blah blah blah.

This is just more division and seperation. This type of thought offers no solution, but rather brings more division and distracts from the actual topic at hand.

Can we look at the situation with virgin eyes... Or must every situation be blurred by pride, egotism and self rightousness,,, people treat poltics and enviromental issues as if it is a fooking soccer game... This shit is real... And needs a clean perspective inorder to get a clean solution...

Either we all win! Or we all loose...



New Member
You're right knowm; the only reason I mentioned the difference is because there is one. America is always the hardest country to convince. I believe it is because they are more religious than us. It is easy for America to use god as a way of controling the people. I mean, if a god is in control of everything, why do we need to worry about global warming?


New Member
You're right knowm; the only reason I mentioned the difference is because there is one. America is always the hardest country to convince. I believe it is because they are more religious than us. It is easy for America to use god as a way of controling the people. I mean, if a god is in control of everything, why do we need to worry about global warming?
And starting wars all over the planet, after all isn't armagedden almost here. That one little ditty in the Bible allows war to be waged as "We all Know" Armagedden is just around the corner, started by some Evil empire (Iran, N. korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Etc.) all the axis of evil empires. Geeze, I wonder if the rest of the world sees us (USA) as the "axis of evil". After all, it was us that started a pre-emptive war and are calling for more wars, How's a poor billion dollar weapons industry supposed to make a living, ~LOL~


New Member
Thats because you're going to die before it affects you! The hell with your offspring, right.
Now, now ... be nice.

I don't worry about it because I'm not a worrier, Med. I don't sit around all day worrying about something that MAY happen a couple of hundred years from now. Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time ... I'm not so egotistical to think I can ... or collectively, we all can change it.



New Member
Now, now ... be nice.

I don't worry about it because I'm not a worrier, Med. I don't sit around all day worrying about something that MAY happen a couple of hundred years from now. Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time ... I'm not so egotistical to think I can ... or collectively, we all can change it.

Maybe it's the ego talking you out of making any effort to change!


New Member
Ego doesn't have anything to do with it. that's a very weak argument. It is obvious that in your country the oil companies have a vast propaganda machine.

if we can do something we should. It's not going to be for our benefit directly, but for the benefit of mankind in the future. Even if it doesn't work, surely the world needs a general change in attitude. It WILL be good for society, mentally.


New Member
Ego doesn't have anything to do with it. that's a very weak argument. It is obvious that in your country the oil companies have a vast propaganda machine.

if we can do something we should. It's not going to be for our benefit directly, but for the benefit of mankind in the future. Even if it doesn't work, surely the world needs a general change in attitude. It WILL be good for society, mentally.
OK Dr. Skunk, Tell me how! The oil companies have more than propaganda, they have the government in their pocket.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone dispute the veracity of the many scientific points made here?
Why don't we kill all termites?....

The most prevalent and efficient greenhouse gas is not CO2; it is water vapor, which accounts for about 60 percent of the heat-trapping gases while CO2 accounts for about 26 percent. So, why are we being served a daily diet of our destroying the environment with our behavior as it relates to CO2? Because our behavior has little to do with the amount of water vapor, so it is a non-starter when it comes to those whose principal goal is ruling our lives.
In order to focus on you and what you are doing to increase the CO2 in the atmosphere, which, as everyone knows will destroy the globe, we do not discuss the activities of termites. Fifteen years ago it was estimated that the digestive tracts of termites produce about 50 billion tons of CO2 and methane annually. That was more than the world's production from burning fossil fuel. Additionally, cattle, horses and other ruminant animals are huge producers of both CO2 and methane, but, being unable to respond to our demands on this issue, their activity is ignored.
When it comes to methane, another greenhouse gas, termites are responsible for 11 percent of the world's production from natural sources. Seventy-six percent comes from wetlands
from Global-warming theory and the eugenics precedent - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper