Phoenix raid!


Well-Known Member
I feel so conflicted....the renegade oart of my feels terrible when i hear about ANY police action...
on the other side these idiots are playing with fire.... And its funny to watch then get the burn a bit too....

Im a deep complex man i guess......

The real losers are the patients they will have to go to Azcs or back to the streets.....Sad as hell because i know SO MANY caregivers that DONT have there full 5 patients.....
which is what is legal


Well-Known Member
I feel so conflicted....the renegade oart of my feels terrible when i hear about ANY police action...
on the other side these idiots are playing with fire.... And its funny to watch then get the burn a bit too....

Im a deep complex man i guess......

The real losers are the patients they will have to go to Azcs or back to the streets.....Sad as hell because i know SO MANY caregivers that DONT have there full 5 patients.....
which is what is legal
I thought 211 would get hit first with their 80 dollar eight tracks, WTF?? 80 bones for a 1/8. I wish some of the clubs would hear us and really lower the price of their meds to stay off the radars. Like I said in all the other posts I'm not here to get any clubs shut down, I'm here to debate the high price of meds they advertise . Lower the price stay off the radars.


Active Member
If a person/club sells oz for 2 bills then I am sure thay is non profit. 4 gills is 2 bill profit


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to comprehend that just because you can get something on the street for $xxx does not mean that a club should even be in the same ball park. Street dealers don't have the expense of running a store, let alone dealing with the added risk of public exposure. Maybe if there was enough traffic, but I doubt the clubs have anywhere near enough yet to really be raking in the dough. Your street dealer is the one ripping you off.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to comprehend that just because you can get something on the street for $xxx does not mean that a club should even be in the same ball park. Street dealers don't have the expense of running a store, let alone dealing with the added risk of public exposure. Maybe if there was enough traffic, but I doubt the clubs have anywhere near enough yet to really be raking in the dough. Your street dealer is the one ripping you off.

Your ignorance continues to amaze!


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to comprehend that just because you can get something on the street for $xxx does not mean that a club should even be in the same ball park. Street dealers don't have the expense of running a store, let alone dealing with the added risk of public exposure. Maybe if there was enough traffic, but I doubt the clubs have anywhere near enough yet to really be raking in the dough. Your street dealer is the one ripping you off.
They just have the huge overhead, I mean burden of engaging in illegal activity on a daily basis and the repercussions that come with it.


Active Member
Man a deal sales to 5-10 ppl makes a couple hundy a week. A club sales to hundreds of ppl grow there own stuff. I mean you can grow a 1/4-1/2 lds tree for around 100 minus the equipment cost. So they drop a lot on equip set a 20% increase to cost of oz will pay that off in a few months .
so tell me how it cost 400 an o to grow your own weed and pay your bills ok lets think high end here
400 an o x 5 a month=2k
100 patients x 2 k is 200k

Now tell me that is just to cover fucking cost and I will call u a lier to your face.