Portable A/C vs Portable Evap Cooler


Active Member
I run a sealed room with a/c and have to run a dehuey. I've also ran an unsealed room with a swamp cooler. Both have their goods and bads, bu with the a/c it was easier to maintain a consistent temp and rh.

My vote goes for a/c and seal the room. Gotta run co2 if ya do that though


Well-Known Member
I dont run a dehuidifier in my sealed room... I turn the AC on to get humidity to 40%.. You can have humidity in the 40% - 60% range something about the Co2 and stomata at that humidity is perfect for co2 users.


Active Member
That's true, you don't always need a dehumidifier with a sealed room. There are alot of variables that play into that.

Also with co2 you should run higher temps. I believe it says in the growers bible by Cervantes that 80° is optimal for co2 absorbsion. Could be wrong though


Well-Known Member
That's true, you don't always need a dehumidifier with a sealed room. There are alot of variables that play into that.

Also with co2 you should run higher temps. I believe it says in the growers bible by Cervantes that 80° is optimal for co2 absorbsion. Could be wrong though
You are right thats why co2 started to be used by all the old school growers ask Fat Boy lol, they started fucking around with 600W and 1000W HPS and the optimal temps were hard to keep under 85 so they did thier homework and found out you could run co2 and still have high temps in your garden with success. The rest is history.


New Member
You are right thats why co2 started to be used by all the old school growers ask Fat Boy lol, they started fucking around with 600W and 1000W HPS and the optimal temps were hard to keep under 85 so they did thier homework and found out you could run co2 and still have high temps in your garden with success. The rest is history.
I think co2 is a sham unless running a sealed room....

Outdoors has 300-400 PPM of co2 which is an acquit amount for growth and production... Not really a big difference from buds grown with co2 and with out co2... Unless once again it is a true sealed room then it is a MUST....


Well-Known Member
evap cooler's are nice but with the summer heat you will need to switch to ac, or an ice box with a water chiller thats what i wanna convert over to,, the the room can be sealed too...


Well-Known Member
I think co2 is a sham unless running a sealed room....

Outdoors has 300-400 PPM of co2 which is an acquit amount for growth and production... Not really a big difference from buds grown with co2 and with out co2... Unless once again it is a true sealed room then it is a MUST....

You're right, you shouldn't run Co2 unless you have a sealed room, it wouldn't work you would just suck all your co2 out and refilling your tank every 2-3 days. Even if you don't weather strip your doors you lose a lot of Co2.