Pro Mix + Mushroom Compost + Base Soil?? Other questions too?? Pls Read and Answer


Ok Here's the scoop, Home Depot no longer selling pro mix in my are (regular pro mix flower and plant) They had it at a slammin price $ 13.40 for 3.8cu yd,
I read in the bible that mushroom compost kicks ass! Actually said in there "some of the best gardens I have ever seen were grown in pure mushroom compost only" what do you think about mixing them together 60/40 pro mix for a base soil?

Also..... Azomite, Rock Phosphorous, Blood meal..??

WTF can I find these? internet only?

went to 2 local hydro stores neither have any of the 3 (they have bllodmeal but in like 3 Lb bag only)
both stores told me 'go to local garden supply store" So I did and we have a real big one! and neither have them either

Hate to order online gonna get killed on shipping costs of bone meal , and for pother obvious reasons also

Also what kind of bone meal fish, etc,



Active Member
You just have to follow the recipe man.
Sub has said many times follow the directions its not that hard, all the info is there man.
If you are going to start changing things you will have to figure it out.
Unless someone has done the same and chimes in to help you out.
Once you start changing it up everything changes %'s of the different nutrients, release time of them.... etc
I rather doubt you will get much of a response, as Sub for the most part only talks about what he uses or has personal knowledge of.

I have used straight ProMix with some worm castings and extra pearl light as base.
It worked good, not as good as roots though.

Not sure what the problem with buying 3lb bags of blood meal is?

And as for the Azomite that is a internet only at least for me have not found anyone that carries it.
If you cant find the correct things in your local stores, then yes google is your best friend.

Not trying to sound like a dick but if you are going to run SS get the stuff Sub has tested and proved works.
I would not recommend changing the recipe to much as this is not a method that you can just say ill just add less of X next time I feed.
I would hate to have to re-pot big plants because the soil is too hot.

I have been running SS for years and will never look back.
Its not only the easiest way ive grown but its the most cost effective and you cant argue with the results.
Good luck bro sorry I know I wasent much help.

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member

They have the complete Down to Earth lineup, everything you need. Get the Fish Bone Meal.

You can experiment with the base soil. Just keep your mind on what you're taking away from the original recipe so you know what to put back in.

I like the mushroom compost idea.


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms bring gnats there is a reason things are in Super soil and reasons they are not!


jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
Haha, every time I read your posts it's like a cannon goes off, in a good way though brother.

Is that something inherent to mushroom compost or is it that the medium itself is ideal for playing host to them; retaining more moisture, etc..?

I have 4 girls flowering in the almost-exact 2010 recipe and they're all doing fantastic.