Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member

  • I hate the fact that David Koch funds NOVA on PBS, I like NOVA.​

I got lost on my way here so copy pasta.


Well-Known Member
No but it's always nice to have a small trap door on the ceiling below any 2nd story bath tub's drain. Cut in nice, obviously so it's not noticable.
I was thinking it would be nice because then when i'm eating my watermelon in the bath I wouldn't have to throw out the rind and if I want to take a nice relaxing bath poo I could just turn on the disposal when i was done with my bath and it would take it down with my bath water and rind, it sounds like something I should do in the next few days, I think it offers some great benefits to increase my standard of living, i'm not satisfied having to reach out to throw the rind in the trash and having to squish my poo down the drain with my toes like a peasant, it's time to install a garbage disposal so I can relax like a king.


Well-Known Member
well compost it. you can get all steam punk and use an old milk carton with the top cut off, and incorporate a steam engine somehow. Steam punks love steam power.
That's the coolest idea I have heard all day, i'm working on it, incorperating steam is genius.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it would be nice because then when i'm eating my watermelon in the bath I wouldn't have to throw out the rind and if I want to take a nice relaxing bath poo I could just turn on the disposal when i was done with my bath and it would take it down with my bath water and rind, it sounds like something I should do in the next few days, I think it offers some great benefits to increase my standard of living, i'm not satisfied having to reach out to throw the rind in the trash and having to squish my poo down the drain with my toes like a peasant, it's time to install a garbage disposal so I can relax like a king.


Well-Known Member
I don't usually drink, smoke and post.

But when I do....

It resinous glands of a white strain, a green bottle of Tanqueray, and an impending funeral.
(When my time comes I don't want a headstone. I want a bench, I'll leave the inscription to my Estate with Instructions.)