Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i don't know which jar to smoke out of next, the mrs is snoring, all quiet here watching cops, hoping to learn as much as possible, this guy going to jail for a lortab, aren't there real criminals out there? fuck felony one pill whooooo hope i neva get stopped and searched. they don't search old people like me :eyesmoke:

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Thank you Futant. I do not think I am a bully at all. I would love to know who thinks I am a bully "in private".
I must admit clayton, I never know when to take you seriously. So I wasn't sure if you were trolling or not. I "liked" your post cuz it was a nice feel good story regardless.
Ok where did you get that image of April? She's smoking hot and that's one helluva handstand. Now I think it's important for us all to remember *I* am the attention whore around here and don't any of you forget that! ;)

Oh yeah and it's a full moon and we are all batshit crazy around these parts especially the ones on whoremones ;D
Hmmm, we need pics of you doing a handstand and then i'll decide who is the biggest att.whore :bigjoint:
Wouldn't think such a cute creature would be poisonous.
what kinda creature is it?

Today has turned to shit, got a phone call from my mom to tell me for the last 8 months she's been having horrible head aches and eyes always hurting and her eye doctor thinks it's a tumor or brain bleed so she went to the doctor and they confirmed. She goes in Monday for an MRI to see what they need to do......
thinking good thoughts for you and yours :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
pshew! good day, got a good load of wood out today and cut another.

Hopefully get it out tomorrow.

Forecast has major freezing rain and up to two feet of snow from sunday on WTF?


i don't know which jar to smoke out of next, the mrs is snoring, all quiet here watching cops, hoping to learn as much as possible, this guy going to jail for a lortab, aren't there real criminals out there? fuck felony one pill whooooo hope i neva get stopped and searched. they don't search old people like me :eyesmoke:
I have never thought of that, so getting old has a perk and a pretty good one at that. You have made me so happy bro...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
i don't know which jar to smoke out of next, the mrs is snoring, all quiet here watching cops, hoping to learn as much as possible, this guy going to jail for a lortab, aren't there real criminals out there? fuck felony one pill whooooo hope i neva get stopped and searched. they don't search old people like me :eyesmoke:
Come to Los Angeles, they prefer the old and infirm, we are safer to search.


New Member
my neighbor just brought me some fresh,still warm cup cakes n brownies.Its like 25 below and the they still came over


Well-Known Member
Any prefered light sources for optiumum flowering? Im doing a first in first out row shifting type perpetual set up soon. I would like to supplimrnt the light so even though it will all be 12/12, there will be a gradient with vegitative lights on one side of the room and the opposite will be geard twords resin and thc production (heard some different spectrums ie uv could be benifical). Honestly im an outdoor grower, ive had many sucsessful runs inside, just not something this complex..or large. So any ideas on the perfect gradient.. How woukd you accomplish it? Room is 20x 15, legal mmj grow,plenty of electricity, coco in buckets.. You fill in the rest?

edit: maybe ill start a thread to document the questions evolution and experiment, im just so hesitant to start them haha.

Thanks for any responses

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Any prefered light sources for optiumum flowering? Im doing a first in first out row shifting type perpetual set up soon. I would like to supplimrnt the light so even though it will all be 12/12, there will be a gradient with vegitative lights on one side of the room and the opposite will be geard twords resin and thc production (heard some different spectrums ie uv could be benifical). Honestly im an outdoor grower, ive had many sucsessful runs inside, just not something this complex..or large. So any ideas on the perfect gradient.. How woukd you accomplish it? Room is 20x 15, legal mmj grow,plenty of electricity, coco in buckets.. You fill in the rest?

edit: maybe ill start a thread to document the questions evolution and experiment, im just so hesitant to start them haha.

Thanks for any responses
mh for first 4-5 wks. hps last4-5

works very well.

60w/sq.ft is pretty great too.


Well-Known Member
Any prefered light sources for optiumum flowering? Im doing a first in first out row shifting type perpetual set up soon. I would like to supplimrnt the light so even though it will all be 12/12, there will be a gradient with vegitative lights on one side of the room and the opposite will be geard twords resin and thc production (heard some different spectrums ie uv could be benifical). Honestly im an outdoor grower, ive had many sucsessful runs inside, just not something this complex..or large. So any ideas on the perfect gradient.. How woukd you accomplish it? Room is 20x 15, legal mmj grow,plenty of electricity, coco in buckets.. You fill in the rest?

edit: maybe ill start a thread to document the questions evolution and experiment, im just so hesitant to start them haha.

Thanks for any responses
Not really sure. I use HPS anyway (600w). I'd maybe look for a resin strain first and then think about lighting. I'm not really sure about the perfect gradient for veg and flower!? I must not have read properly. you mean when they first go in? Yes, up to a week on the side if just transplanted.


Well-Known Member
Where's Annie gone? I was really scared this evening due to illness and so much so that I couldn't even smoke and had to pass out. I love RIU for middle of the night company. Ive been up since 5am! I ate some chinese takeaway at a friends house (fried rice with bits) and by the time I got home I was shaking, white in the face and feeling very off key. From rice?? Jesus. Quite scary really. Maybe I can't eat junk food. Anyone had this?