Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Weed is the best gift. I wish everyone would give me some for gifts. I don't care the form, pills, hash, beans, flowers. Idc I'll accept :D
Speaking of gifts... I'm bored with the Raton Pass or La Veta Pass routes. I want to mix it up a bit. I checked out a couple routes, one is about 100 miles longer and runs me on the western slope.

This weekend's trips are going to be quick zips -- boss lady's coming up to interview, and we're on stupid limited funds -- non-existent funds. I'll run her back down to the Burque... Next weekend, she may drive up and we love to go for long top-down drives! If you aren't too busy.


Well-Known Member
Weed is the best gift. I wish everyone would give me some for gifts. I don't care the form, pills, hash, beans, flowers. Idc I'll accept :D
I could use a weed gift right about now..

Flowering Plant- Not complete
Blue Dream Plant-Gone, male preflowers
Smokable herb- Non existent



Well-Known Member
Male... Gone???

Dude, Blue dream pollen, and you trashed it? I have in mind the PERFECT bitch to cross that with!!!
Yea, I was going to keep it and harvest the pollen, but I'm having some issues with my apartment complex and I'm about to get evicted because I refuse to give them a key to the bottom lock. The reason it was put there to begin with was they don't give you time to even come to the door before they start trying to open the fucking thing and about 5 years ago they did that bullshit and walked in on my fiancee in the shower. If I would have been home the fucker would have been shot. Now they are threatening to forcefully remove my lock if I don't give them a key. I went and told them that if they break into my apartment something bad is going to happen to whoever happen to be breaking in. Its against the law and there is no emergency.

Basically I'm having to shut everything down.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was going to keep it and harvest the pollen, but I'm having some issues with my apartment complex and I'm about to get evicted because I refuse to give them a key to the bottom lock. The reason it was put there to begin with was they don't give you time to even come to the door before they start trying to open the fucking thing and about 5 years ago they did that bullshit and walked in on my fiancee in the shower. If I would have been home the fucker would have been shot. Now they are threatening to forcefully remove my lock if I don't give them a key. I went and told them that if they break into my apartment something bad is going to happen to whoever happen to be breaking in. Its against the law and there is no emergency.

Basically I'm having to shut everything down.
That sucks ... Went through the electric company audit, myself, with my old rogue grow. Are you looking this way, yet? You really should check out Co. Especially if you're ready to really throw down in the IT industry.


Well-Known Member
That sucks ... Went through the electric company audit, myself, with my old rogue grow. Are you looking this way, yet? You really should check out Co. Especially if you're ready to really throw down in the IT industry.
I don't graduate until this coming fall, so I have a little bit before I would even be able to make that move. If I did I would want to buy a house with some property and I don't have that kind of money saved yet. I would love to be able to just pack up and move up there, I just don't have the resources as of yet.

These damn apartment assholes have got me all pissed and shit. I need a fucking joint, and now I'm worried if I leave they will barge into my apartment.


Well-Known Member
I don't graduate until this coming fall, so I have a little bit before I would even be able to make that move. If I did I would want to buy a house with some property and I don't have that kind of money saved yet. I would love to be able to just pack up and move up there, I just don't have the resources as of yet.

These damn apartment assholes have got me all pissed and shit. I need a fucking joint, and now I'm worried if I leave they will barge into my apartment.
I said the springs, right?

Oh, nope... Sorry. It's military. It's High Tech. military and space contract -- lots of space work going on, lots of computer defense work going on -- I can just HEAR the the little coders pounding out algorithms.

The housing market is one you might like. Our goal was land, also, but we decided that since our situation was shit anyway, we'd just have a shitty situation in a state where we can burn one down to forget... Rental houses are going for around what our apartment cost us back in the 'hood. We're looking at a couple, that are grow friendly with enclosed yards, under 1000 and with 2+ bedrooms.


Well-Known Member
I said the springs, right?

Oh, nope... Sorry. It's military. It's High Tech. military and space contract -- lots of space work going on, lots of computer defense work going on -- I can just HEAR the the little coders pounding out algorithms.

The housing market is one you might like. Our goal was land, also, but we decided that since our situation was shit anyway, we'd just have a shitty situation in a state where we can burn one down to forget... Rental houses are going for around what our apartment cost us back in the 'hood. We're looking at a couple, that are grow friendly with enclosed yards, under 1000 and with 2+ bedrooms.
So you're no longer going to be living in the springs? That sounds like some fun work right there.

That sounds great, were in the process of trying to find a townhome to move into. We easily have the funds to pack up and move and rent a new place, so were looking close to my fiancees work. I guess it will turn out better for us anyway cause this place is small and we want to move anyway, but we didn't want to pay the fees associated with breaking the lease.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm staying in the springs! I mean, right now I'm not IN the springs, but we're moving and staying in the springs -- those houses are IN the springs!


Well-Known Member
Have you found a place yet? Something you have your eye on?
I've got my eye on two places, we look daily. Boss lady's got one preferred, but we can't afford the move-in costs (deposit+1/2 month rent, in addition to 1st month.) Right now, boss lady would be much better off moving to CoS, or just staying here, without me. The move really cost us a lot, because we moved it years forward, lost our cushion we were planning on moving with, and I'm still very "recently convicted" for employers (7-10 years after release and discharge is the general rule, it's been a little over 2 for discharge, and a little over 5 for conviction.)

You know what they say though, when you can't find an opportunity, make one!


Well-Known Member
I've got my eye on two places, we look daily. Boss lady's got one preferred, but we can't afford the move-in costs (deposit+1/2 month rent, in addition to 1st month.) Right now, boss lady would be much better off moving to CoS, or just staying here, without me. The move really cost us a lot, because we moved it years forward, lost our cushion we were planning on moving with, and I'm still very "recently convicted" for employers (7-10 years after release and discharge is the general rule, it's been a little over 2 for discharge, and a little over 5 for conviction.)

You know what they say though, when you can't find an opportunity, make one!
Yea I know all about them moving fees.
Good luck with your search, I'm about to go look at a townhome. Hopefully I'll like it.


Staff member
i seriously enjoy that i get my shopping grocery flyers like 4 days before their supposed to even come to my house. best paper guy ever, cant wait to see whats on sale friday :p HAHAH


Well-Known Member
Decided to stay in my apartment until the lease runs out. I gave them a key, but I'm going to install an actuator on my swinging lock so that I have remote entry. They can have a key, but they still wont get in. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Cut off a couple leaves from my plant that is flowering to look at the trichomes to see where they are at and I've never seen purple tris..

Tris from main cola

From another top that is a bit lower than the main

I'm thinking I should be cutting off a few of these branches here shortly, lower my light and let the rest finish along with the seeds.
