Random Jibber Jabber Thread

What rainbow? I thought you were talking about some kind of metaphor about finding the pot of gold (getting a job) at the end of the rainbow lol.

no, we're talking about e member "rainbowbrite86" who has a habit of posting pics of dubious authenticity.

either they are of her, and i found her sucking dick on 4chan, or she was a he just pretending to be a she and lifting pics off 4chan and passing them off as her own.

there may be other possible permutations, but those would be my best guesses.
So is the debate whether or not this was a girl posting or a guy posting fake pics?

I think it's de bait. UB is convinced Rainbow is a sock for a cock. I'm less interested in uncovering something without consequence ... than i am of being decent to a fellow board member. cn
So this is random jibber jabber; I caught myself Googling all sorts of tactical gear and munitions. Everything from tear gas grenades to assault rifles and even crossbows. WTF is wrong with me? I mean, other than the fact that I'm stoned stupid and also slightly buzzed. I didn't even realize what I had been doing until I saw about 30 saved pictures on my desktop. Holy crap. Someone call the doctor. Lol!