Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Holy fucken snow piles batman. We got about 14 inches of snow today. I went to a new plow customer this morning and went right over a little ledge he has and got stuck. I called a tow guy and he told me 50 bucks and he will be there in a half hour. no problem with that. while i was waiting for him 2 different people stopped and asked if i needed a pull. I told them that i had someone coming. Now i could have done it and drove off but i already talked to the tow guy. what would some have you all done? would you save the 50 bucks and make him show up for nothing or would you have waited for him and pay the money? I waited for him and paid the 50.
if I made the call I would have waited.. better to rely on a tow truck with ins.. over a a good Samaritan who may not..
I would've called and canceled. That's what cell phones are for.

edit: around here, a lot of times cops show up with the tow driver and they like handing out tickets for unreasonable/imprudent speed when the roads are icy. The $50 dollar tow could turn into a $300 expense real quick even if no damage was done.

Lots of people up here have 4x4's and carry tow straps, you only call a tow if you're not sure anybody else can do it.
I would've called and canceled. That's what cell phones are for.

edit: around here, a lot of times cops show up with the tow driver and they like handing out tickets for unreasonable/imprudent speed when the roads are icy. The $50 dollar tow could turn into a $300 expense real quick even if no damage was done.

Lots of people up here have 4x4's and carry tow straps, you only call a tow if you're not sure anybody else can do it.
God i hate it when God is right. I did have my cell phone with me. I probably should have waited 5 minutes and saved 50 bucks. I just would have hated it if someone did that to me. Heres the kicker, I had no cash on me ( explained that up front ) and he still came out.
Family and I are taking her Grandmother to her Church this am.. 1 hour service.. but she will stay and chat a bit I am sure.. felt like I was cheating. even told my Pastor I was going there..lol our Church's song service lasts about 45 mins.. gonna feel like fast food church I think.. but I am glad to have the family finally interested in going.. going to try and stay up late enough tonight to go to my Church at 5:30pm..
I would've called and canceled. That's what cell phones are for.

edit: around here, a lot of times cops show up with the tow driver and they like handing out tickets for unreasonable/imprudent speed when the roads are icy. The $50 dollar tow could turn into a $300 expense real quick even if no damage was done.

Lots of people up here have 4x4's and carry tow straps, you only call a tow if you're not sure anybody else can do it.

yeh, those fucking cops are bastards. They do the same around here. I saw a state dick get sideways yesterday on some ice. Who gives them a ticket? ASSHOLES :finger:

Motherfuckers! LoL, High everyone. I miss this site, but it allowed me too much freedom to be me.

And, not growing makes me feel like I don't belong here. This site is for legit growers, and when I've got nothing under lights or in a greenhouse I'm not a legit grower.

(I drank, I let the boss lady ready my manuscript, while I smoked tomorrow's dose, today. I posted in Ye Olde Random Jibber Jabber thread.)
bahhhh, you belong. Glad to see ya back around. We missed ya :)

my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now
I am soooo sorry for your loss my friend. What did the vet say was wrong with him?

I'm not ashamed to admit my eyes teared up reading your post as I thought of the dogs I have lost too. Stay strong my brother, we all mourn with you.
me too :(
In Germany and many other EU countries, snow tyres are the law. Serious fines if you drive with the summer ones on in winter. Makes sense really, especially with the liberal autobahns.
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now

I'm so sorry SRH88. I had to put my boy down in september right before I left midwest. It's the fella on my avatar. He was 12 and a half and he was the best friend I ever had prolly the best one I ever will. That dog changed my life and on several occasions inspired me to be the man I am today. Some day I will have to tell you some stories about him. He had a tumor in his bowel and I had to decide to put him down while his mind was still solid, his body was just flat failing him. He meant so much to me that I buried him standing up on all fours. Not a day goes by that I still don't miss him. My heart goes out to ya. You got me choked a bit friend.
yeh, those fucking cops are bastards. They do the same around here. I saw a state dick get sideways yesterday on some ice. Who gives them a ticket? ASSHOLES :finger:
and in order to get some paid time off all you have to do is shoot someone!?
They should be held to a higher standard of law and be punished more severely when they break it. Not this suspended with pay bullshit and reduced sentences.

I also think that politicians should have their post service benefits voted on by their constituents. If they do a shit job in accordance with their representees then they don't get the max benefits available. That would help reduce some of the massive corruption that plagues the system and take some of the decision making out of the hands of lobbyists.
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now

sorry bud.Thats the worst.At least you did him right and brought him in.
Around here mysterious illness usually equals poison/Some sik fucks @ 'ere.
My fave dog died 3 years ago,Dec 30.I'm still not over it
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now
My sympathy goes out to you bro.
I know how much I love my little guy that I have now, and I lost my Akita a few years back, so I know what you're going through.:-(
So glad to see you back home, MIN. I hope all is well for you!

SRH, my sincerest condolences for the loss of your dog. I lost a pair 3 years ago, and like Slow said, it is tough to forget them. Nobody will ever love you unconditionally like a dog. They are always so happy to see you and be with you. Painful; usually more so than human passing.

Much love, guys
so I did the decarb thing this time, the budder is not nearly as dark as it was last run. Hopefully the taste is less strong. I know the trim was more potent and the ratio of butter/trim was roughly the same if not higher to trim. Gonna let it sit another day before I refine it further and add lecithin. budda 001.jpg

a small cider press would be pretty awesome for the squeezing part, gonna have to keep my eyes open for a deal. I've been wanting one anyway......santa...if you are listening :mrgreen: