Republicans got cucked - now we will all suffer.

And that is your evidence for claiming it is fake? Why don't you talk to Ossie Lofton, a 90 year old who accidentally sent a three sent check instead of a 30 cent check. But it was too late.

What was your stand on pizzagate again?

My god you are one dumb fuck. You too @spandy

So what did she do when she got the late notice the next month?
Look it up dick-hole. It is public knowledge - that you are an idiot - as well as her particulars. She made two mistakes of under a dollar, so it is ok to foreclose on a 90 year old?

Hell yes if she is in violation of the contract... Why didnt she pay the late fee again???
Why didn't you just defend him from the start on the stipulated $0.27 foreclosure? You really,really suck at this. I am having less fun watching it though as you seem like you might suffer from a learning disability.

Apparently you dont understand the foreclosure process either. Why didnt the 90 year old correct the problem when the foreclosure notice was placed on the property?
Sad you need it to live. Should of made more when you could work. Guess that's why it was created....gods and clods.
It was actually created through an older program to support widows from the civil war, but I'm sure those women should have worked harder.
If you are already familiar with the case you could provide a rebuttal....

Naah, that would be too much like work for you..
So... you are retarded.

I freely admit a lack of knowledge of the reverse mortgage foreclosure process. But that does not effect the fact that Mnuchin foreclosed on a 90 year old women over $0.27 and you are defending him.
Hell yes if she is in violation of the contract... Why didnt she pay the late fee again???

so it's gone from "fake news" to real news already, and you are blaming a 90 year old lady for a $0.27 discrepancy to side with a globalist coastal elitist from goldman sachs.

boy, you trum lovers are goddamn principled.