Yes, cannabinoids cure cancer. But no, this isnt news: Since the nineties its been known in the scientific community that cannabinoids are highly toxic to gliomas. Rick Simpson didnt discover any new medical effects, or even make a radical new extract. The RSO process has been around since the seventies, and although it does extract cannabinoids, it extracts a lot of other stuff too, and just generally isnt worth the effort. For the same time and cost, using modern methods like butane and CO2 extractions (or hell even a quick limonene wash does better) you can get an extract that is pure cannabinoids. For comparison RSO is about on par with bubble hash for purity. For this reason most have moved on to BHO.
The big problem with Rick Simpson is that he is touting these dated shitty extraction methods as a magical cureall, a revolutionary new treatment (instead of just old hat) in order to garner fame for himself, and in so doing has introduced into the minds and vocabulary of a lot of new medical patients looking for info about treatment a ton a mystical, sciencey sounding BS. This sounds fairly harmless but this bullshit jargon has so permeated the medical community that it is actually preventing people from sharing real info and getting the help they need, and moreover has bogged down the medical community as a whole and prevented new progress from being made. Theres nothing magical about RSO or ISO, all cannabis extracts share the same effects as RSO, but most are a lot purer and thus work a lot better(seriously RSO is the least pure extract one can make).
And take the claims of curing cancer orally with a grain of salt. Cannabinoids work well when applied directly to melanomas on the skin, but for most internal cancers the dose required to deliver the same amount of medications to the site is enormous. It does help greatly as an adjunct to traditional treatments however, and continual cannabis use tends to keep cancer in remission for longer than traditional treatments alone.
For a complete rundown, sans any mysticism and BS, of the different types of extracts invcluding RSO, check out the link in my sig. Cannabinoids can be a great tool, but Rick is just out to make a name for himself, and everything he says is to make himself or his oil sound more fantastic than they really are.